Monday, July 03, 2006

UPDATE 7/3/06

Well, this pool is getting tighter than a U.S. Open fairway... only Fraser is clearly out of the money hunt right now, but he could still catch lightening in a bottle. Multiple FPGP winners "Bandit" and "Stevie T." are making their mid-season move, and at this point Robbo can only hope to hold on... he's four good Bart Bryant rounds (uh, consecutively...) from falling right back into the pack with Stevie V. Here are the standings...

Hope all you academic types and professional golfers are enjoying a day off today... some of us suckers in the corporate world actually have to work.


bocabandit said...

I'm with you, brother. That reminds me that I vaguely recall that JG was a psych major at Pepperdine when the site had good info like that. He might find it interesting that there are at least 3 Psychology Ph.Ds among the hooligans in this pool. 2 are university professors, while the other actually works for an honest dollar now. I know that several other players have Psych connections. The one time I met Talonflier was while we were playing golf with his Psychology mentor, a Ph.D in Psychology professor, who I believe was a defrocked priest who loved to play the ponies and dogs.I owe you for the tip, Talonflier. After giving the game up for 6 years and sometimes standing in the fairway with a hopeless look similar to Ben Wallace on the foul line when I started playing again, things are coming around. Could an animal like Excalibre also be a Ph.D.?

New Texan said...

Indeed... Excalibur, our pool's namesake, is a Ph.D. in School Psychology. Imagine that! Thankfully, he has done the world a great service and found work in the private sector. Imagine the irony of Excalibur testing a child for mental deficiencies.

So, count me, Robbo, Stevie V. and Excalibur/Tiger as Ph.D. level psychology folks.

Bandit, did you know that "excalibur" is the name of one of Tiger's putters? I say "one of" because although he is aware of Rule 4-4a allowing only 14 clubs, he shuns it each time he straps on his bag. It typically includes 2-3 putters, several drivers, mismatched irons, and between 6-9 beers. I would wager a hefty sum that his bag, weighs way more than JG's tour bag.

Some of Tiger's other nuances on the golf course:

1. His sandtrap rule. "If I hit a crappy shot, I am not raking the bunker." Which is to say, he has never picked up a rake in his life.

2. His favorite exclamation is "NO JUSTICE!!" which is usually exclamed when he misses a putt in a particularly heartbreaking way, such as lipping out. You may also see this when he carries a water hazard, barely, only to see the ball bounce back into said hazard.

3. Tiger will often refer to his "MBP" or "Maximum Beer Potential." He claims that he plays better on the Back 9 because his "MBP has kicked in." I once thought to suggest the appropriate test, that is... get him to start drinking on the range before the round, but was fearful for the innocent pedestrians on the street when he left.

4. His backswing has been clocked at 123 mph... ironic because his downswing is about 86 mph, resulting in his "bombs" off the tee going about 190 yards. As a side note, Jumpin Jeff draws the club back at about 4 mph. You could respike your shoes in the time it takes from him to pull the trigger to dropping down into the ball. Playing with both of them in the same round is one of the most disorienting feelings in nature.

5. He is a lefty... I once grabbed one of his drivers, and outdrove him with it. Granted, it was an elevated tee, and I hit a low screamer... but it ended up about 5 yards past his ball. How he continued to play the game after that day is beyond me.

6. A putt is "good" if he has had enough with the hole. For example, playing match play in which I may be giving him a shot on the hole, he has been known to pick up a 3 footer that needs to be made to halve the hole, only to look at me incredulously and say "oh come on, no way I was going to miss that."

bocabandit said...

I had the honor of once witnessing the annual death match between Robbo and Excalibur. Total strokes, so it requires some intense strategy. Vodo was present also and can verify. If one of them hits into a greenside bunker - going nowhere, time for a Snickers bar - you might witness a 4-5 stroke seachange before you can say "Van de Velde." I think one of them even hit out back into the fairway to not blow a 4 shot advantage by getting down in 3. Yes, Pat Riley's "the winner within!"

New Texan said...

Excalibur, not sure how that is a defense, but thanks for the input anyway. One of my ex-gfriends once tested me on the WAIS and I scored in the 130s, so I doubt you can embarrass me too much. That being said, I never put too much stock in tests that involve puzzles and pictures...

Boca... I can't say I've had the pleasure to watch the Excalibur/Rodent deathmatches... actually, I've never seen "Buzz" on the course at all... Da Former Commish however... we have a lengthy history. In the years we've played together, if you strung every put he has taken without even asking "is this good?" it would make a long 3 shot par 5.

New Texan said...

Cool... tell him he has an online rooting section... I may add a permanent feature to the sidebar "JG's Scorecard" linked to his live performance... don't want to put any pressure on him though. :-)

Does he need to win the Western to qualify for the British, or is there a certain finish that would do?

JS said...

MG, happy 4th!

bocabandit said...

"To be honest, the only thing an IQ test tests is your score on an IQ test!"

An insightful comment off the web that sums up the lameness of Excaliber's challenge.

Note well that the Weshler Intelligence Test cannot lend a clue to why Excaliber's golf bag resembles a barrel in the corner of Bob and Betty's Palm Beach Consignment Shop.

His "No Justice" golf course comments are the flip side of the same coin as "Jesus helped me make the putt." I would like to think that Satan had more important things to do than to direct a slicing drive into a lake.

He may be on to something with the MBP however. Perhaps he can combine with the 2 FPGP academics to get a journal article out of it, complete with full color photographs.

New Texan said...

For full color photos of the effects of MBP, I refer you to this, one of the first FPGP posts on this blog.