Thursday, July 13, 2006


Monkey Hate Wie!


New Texan said...

I dont even know what to say... but it is brilliant!

JS said...

I waive the white flag. I'll never pick Wie for anything again.

I loved her few moments on sportscenter last night. "I really didn't play that bad. I had a lot of penalty shots, OB, water hazards..I'm really happy with how I played." (not exact, but not that far off from what she said). I'm all for being positive, but you're playing in a PGA tournament for god sakes. Happy and penalty strokes don't go together in golf.

New Texan said...

I keep laughing when I see that post... good stuff.

"Played well" and "lots of penalty strokes" is the kind of shit I would say... basically meaning "I hit the ball solid... crooked as all hell, but flush all the time... so I ended up bombing the ball OB on a few holes, into a lake or two... but overall, I played well (and shot 82)." Idiot.