Wednesday, July 19, 2006

JG, who is your pick to win the British Open?

I personally like Tim Clark. Guy is money overseas and his recent showing at the Western Open and Masters makes me think this guy can play in Big tournaments.


New Texan said...

MG, you forgot the golden rule of all side wagers... The so-called "No Tiger Addendum." Excalibur and I decided a long time ago that whoever had Tiger on his team had a way big advantage, so we dropped him off the list.

I like your side in the first wager... VJ, Goose, and Og should be a good three... not so sure about Darren Clarke... but then again, what the hell do I know anyway?

JS said...

Darren Clarke isn't a bad pick. He can play lights out for 2 or 3 days. Problem is, that it's a 4 day tourney.

I love the "unknown" picks. Bunny and What"Chant". Complete unknowns to me.

New Texan said...

MG, is that the order your picks came in? I think it is interesting that Mickelson fell that far down the list.

What's the wager?

New Texan said...

JG doesnt strike me as a sushi guy, but then again, you Californians are all weird. :-)

One a side note, the local (Dallas) sports guys were talking about the British Open yesterday... they suggested that if you moved St. Andrews to Texas, it would be a $2 muni that no one would play. I think Texans are just bitter that no major championship would ever be played in this state.

New Texan said...

I've never played over there, but don't imagine I'd like it very much. Never was a fan of blind shots (which seem to exist on every hole), and balls that roll forever in the fairway.

As a warning, when you guys are down for the Nelson next year, we are NOT going to a sushi bar... when in Rome, or in this case Dallas,... EAT BBQ! Or at least a big fat steak at Cool River.

JS said...

I believe I had the steak at Cool River (if that was the place New Tex (steve t) took me for dinner). Thumbs up, and fork in mouth with steak...mmmmmm steak.

BTW, MG your picks are looking good, but JG has Tiger. Roar.