Monday, July 17, 2006

Tell It Like It Is

Like a pesky (albeit determined) insect, da Bandit is now swarming around the leaders of the FPGP. But, his team (many lacking in masculine qualities) has likely peaked, save for Ian Leggett, who may go down as the poorest pick in FPGP history (right up there with Philp’s choice of Gabriel Hjertstedt). Incidentally, Philp traded for Leggett this year showing that he hasn’t lost his touch!

The FPGP board has lacked the typical Bandit bravado, which has served him well in the business world and while stationed at the end of numerous bars. Why the absence? Well, he was last sighted in New Orleans at a bar called Monkey Hill --- I know since he left a gin-soaked message on my answering machine.

As far as da Rodent, his team is toast. If you believe in the saying “coffee is for closers,” Robbo is decaf at best. Yes, his squad is headed for another 2nd half swoon ---- poor coaching pure and simple.

As for me, my team is just beginning to percolate, lead by the phoenix known as JG! I just have to make better side bets and all should turn out okay.

1 comment:

New Texan said...

Good stuff... I am hoping my sidebets cover my costs for next year, as my team is clearly dead in the water right now.