Sunday, July 09, 2006

JG Shines in Chicago

A well-deserved round of applause for JG and his -8 (T10) at the Western!!! Way to go! For those of you who didn't pick him, watch out. The year is still young.


JS said...

A++ effort! For a guy not on my team, I'm certainly pulling for you. Does this finish qualify you for the British Open?

New Texan said...

Even if it doesn't... $130,000 for a tenth place finish is nothing to sneeze at. It usually takes me at least a month to make that kind of money.

JS said...

Is that how much male strippers make?

New Texan said...

Damn limeys...

JS said...

JG, are you going to stick with the Ignite driver for a while? What does Nike have in the works for any new prototype drivers?

Also, if you run into any of the PGA Tour Radio Network (PGA Tour on XM Radio) guys, some were giving you some nice words of praise on Friday and Sat. They mentioned a few times how it was nice to see you playing well.

New Texan said...

Since you are being gracious enough to respond to questions...

I am curious... are the courses/layouts in Tour that much tougher than on the Nationwide Tour?

I ask because I am always amazed at the talent you see on the Nationwide Tour, at least as it is reflected in the really low scores... but then those (you?) guys tend to struggle when they make the big circuit. Is it because the tracks are tougher, and as such, demand more game... or is it mental? That is, the tracks are about the same, but the pressure is different... crowds and purses are bigger, "the world is watching," etc.

New Texan said...

Thanks for the sharing your insight JG... that is good stuff... speaking for all of us hacks, it is really a treat to hear stuff like that from a guy with your kind of talent...

Did I say I wanted 2 shots a side? I think I meant 2 per hole.


New Texan said...

Ok VA... here's the deal... you really need to change your sign on name to VA_Gamecock or something... when i first saw that I thought it was pronounced VAJ-GAMECOCK... as in Vagina-Gamecock.

Is this my favorite microsoft man? If so, I hear you may be heading to vegas in Sept... bring the golf clubs and a reasonably healthy liver!