Thursday, July 20, 2006

Insert British Open Side Bet Trash Talk Here

Harrington +3? Wow. Thought he was the one good pick you made. Shocked also by Clarke at -3. I am still confident the Karma Bus will run you over.


New Texan said...

I think Clarke shoots 70 or worse tomorrow...

New Texan said...

I love the Open... I wake up at 5:30 to get to work for a mock trial, check the scores, and see that The Goose is near the top of the board as the morning groups are shooting lights out. Ogilvy is also right in the mix...

Your boys better go low this "afternoon" or you are in a big world of hurt her...

That beeping sound you hear is the Karma Bus backing over your squad.

New Texan said...


New Texan said...

sweet round by D Clarke today...

New Texan said...

I didnt think Paddy was a bad pick, but monty and clarke were just terrible.

Looks like it is Goosen/Ogilvy v. Donald/Mickelson

New Texan said...

I do love The Open... roll out of bed, fall onto the couch, and there is the Championship Golf. It's got even better when I checked the early scores and found that Tiger Philp's squad both shot +1 today, while Geoff Ogilvy moved up with a 70. The Goose is struggling, but I am confident he'll right the ship, and my Fantastic Four will triumph.

New Texan said...

Shades... $10 Sergio doesnt finish in the top 5. Even money.

JS said...

No bet. I am happy to see Sergio in the final pairing, but that has been the kiss of death for him. He is as likely to shoot 78 as he is 70. I think that if he could go out and shoot -6 he wins. But my money would be on the 78 instead.

New Texan said...


There is a lesson here... don't mess with Karma.

That makes your total $150 for the year Tiger. I look forward to the PGA... I pick first next time.