Saturday, July 01, 2006

JJ Henry

What has become of the PGA tour when Tiger misses a cut at the Open and JJ Henry leads an event going into the final day. Henry shot 8-under on Sat. I get the that a blind squirrel finds a nut sometimes, but JJ Henry? Listen to some of the event on the PGA Tour Radio broadcast on XM Radio (that's another story).. it sounded as this guy made every putt he had. Most were from way-down-town, call "bank", shots er putts.

Is this a Nationwide tour event acting as a PGA tour event? I miss the GHO. That was a good tournament. This one, not so good.


New Texan said...

The GHO was the first tourney I ever went to as a kid, and back then the field seemed to be good. I think that as the money has become better, maybe some of the top guys don't need to play as much... Tiger hasnt even played 10 events, but is still near the top of the money list.

JJ is from Connecticut, so maybe he feels at home...

Most importantly... dude, you are listening to golf on XM? Seek immediate help.

JS said...

I know. But I am in the sticks of NC and wanted to get a leaderboard as I was driving 30 miles to help my father-in-law pick up new furniture. Before long I realized I was actually listening to it for about 15 minutes. They were talking like they were surprised JJ Henry wasn't a top 10 player every week. I think they use some brainwashing technology or subliminal technology to keep you listening. H E L P !

JS said...

This is terrible field at the Buick Championship. Of the top 10 (including ties) only 2 guys are in the top 50 on the money list and 7 were in the 100's.

Any top ten with JJ Henry, Woody Austin and Skip Kendall shows how weak the field was. Hell, Notah even stayed sober enough to finish T9. Did they move the Farm Bureau Classic to early July and send it to Hartford instead of Southern Illinois or whatever god loving, gun carrying, corn growing town in the midwest they play it in. And to top it off, it's 3pm EDT and the tournament is over. What the hell am I supposed to do this afternoon. Maybe I'll be lucky and the WNBA will be on, or ESPN latest, Domino's.

JG, you must be injured, because the tournaments you won last year on the Nationwide were better than this. Get healty quick, there is easy money out there with tournament fields like this.

bocabandit said...

Ouch. My, my, but the grapes seem somewhat sour in NC, or was it the moonshine being a little rough on a Sunday drive in the country? :-) Well, it certainly was not the best of fields by any imagination, but there's got to be a winner. And it never consistently had the great fields, even going back to when it was The Insurance City Open! (Yeah, I'm old). If Shades does some research, he will see what a consistently good ball striker J.J. is/has been since he has been on Tour (DD,TD, GIR). The flat stick (and perhaps the mental approach)may have held him back, but the belly club must be doing the trick. It's hard for me to imagine someone that young resorting to the belly putter, but if it gets you $800,000, an entry into The British, and a possible berth on the Ryder Cup, I guess one can say that it was a good decision. At least he made his 3 footers on the last day.We know you can't win if you can't do that. And the Excalibur option ain't available for these guys.