Friday, May 04, 2007

Go low G's

The cut at the Wachovia (pronounced "Walk-all-ovah-ya") is going up, but I am pulling for my G's, Gainey and Gore, to go low. I was at the tournament on Thursday and followed my friend from Charleston, who I helped finance his first mini-tour, and our FPGP friend JG for 2 holes. Both are on/near the cut line as I type this. How about a little reverse FPGP mOjO for both.

Go low G's!!


JS said...

Damn FPGP Jinx!!! or could it be that Gainey can't hit fairways.

New Texan said...

You would do a lot better in golf picks and whatnot if you followed this simple rule... "whatever I think, do the opposite."

Nice work on the jinx.