Monday, May 21, 2007

Colonial Weekend with Excal

Excal is going to be down in the Big D this weekend... we are taking in the Colonial on Friday, playing 36 on Saturday, and 18 on Sunday. Toss in some seats to the Sox/Rangers game on Friday night, and it's going to be big fun. He's been griping about the state of his golf game lately, but this may just be a ploy to get more strokes. For the record, I am not giving up more than a stroke a hole with no strokes on the par 3s. No man should ask another man for more than that. And besides, that is a TON in match play.

The question of the week is, "what will Excal shoot?" I had a friend down here a month ago during the Nelson who is of similar "calibur" as Excal, and he put up a cumulative 300. We'll be playing 2 of the 3 same courses, and the 3rd will probably be a bit easier. Toss in the fact that Excal is a wimp and won't play the course from the same tees I will, and I think an appropriate over/under will be 294 (averaging 98 / round). The biggest factor will be when the famous "MBP" kicks in... that's "Maximum Beer Potential" for those of you who don't know Excal... he believes he plays better when he's loaded.


JS said...

I'll take the over.

SteveV said...

I say Philp/Excal fails to break 100 in two of the rounds ---