Thursday, March 29, 2007

Smile Pretty

A link to his website:


New Texan said...

We'll just add that one to your ever growing tab...

BostonBimma said...

I agree NT!! No anti-JL comments can be tolerated...there are still some of us holding on to him for dear life...and, does that mean I can share in the $100 fines?? hehehe

bocabandit said...

This is getting like The Patriot Act! First, you can't praise Leonard and now you can't take a shot at him without riling up his FPGP legions. I just wish him well as he loves the game so much and is an admirable ambassador of it

Hey bostonbimma, I think I'll go out and have a few Maruyama rolls with my Dewars tonight.

New Texan said...

That's another $100!!! And I'm gonnna dock you 50 fpgp points!!! it's time for me to rule with an iron fist

Long live the Commish!
Long live new tex!

JS said...

"Any attempt to jinx Justin Leonard, for example by making posts such as 'Look how well Justin is playing' will be greeted with a $100 fine by the commish."

I must have missed something. Based on your example, I fail to see how posting his image and his web address is the same or even close to saying anything positive about the golfer you first jinxed with your no "Look how well Justin is playing" post. I guess I will need to talk to our fellow FPGPers about you fining yourself. That would be an FPGP first. Commish fines Commish.

New Texan said...

Shades, usually such insolence would result in a 50 point hit to your FPGP total... but considering how bad your picks are, what would be the point?

JS said...

I want a 300 point penalty. Someone needs to give MG a run for last place.