Monday, March 26, 2007

Hey New Tex and Bandit


Brett Wett earns a nice check ($800K) at the WGC-CA event at Doral.


New Texan said...

Yes Jeff... well played. You'll notice that even with that performance, we are still in 1st and 3rd place, still with a trade to make. So, keep making your posts and donating your money... we appreciate it!

MG... what a wager that turned out to be... You guys should double the bet if they both make the finals. Good luck to JG this week... hopefully, this will be the first of a few weeks of Texas golf that will treat him right. I am putting together a small army of JG supporters for the Nelson... let's just hope he doesn't draw an early Thursday time at Cottonwood... If I have to get up early, I don't want to follow him around that goat field!

Anyone know where I can get cheap body paint in the Dallas area? hahaha...

JS said...

Can we call ourselves "Gore's Whores"? Or maybe we can get shirts made up with JG59 on the front.

JS said...

Oh and make your trades. I will bet absolutely nothing that I have a chance. Can't you see it? Axe comes through big with a win, Couch can't help but match that achievement, and Hammerin' Hank surprises all with a win in Texas. Then Perks makes a birdie to make a cut or two. All that and I haven't even made my trade yet.

New Texan said...

1. I'd prefer to not refer to myself as "Gore's Whores" although the JG59 could get some traction... we'd be like the ubiquitous "John 3:16" guy at sporting events.

2. Now you have me thinking that you are a 2:1 favorite to win the whole thing... maybe I should save my $20 and not make a trade at all.

JS said...

We need to get the crazy clown hair for the JG59 shirts. Classic!

It could either cause a complete turn-around of his game or cause him to want to go into hiding.