Thursday, August 31, 2006

Vegas Blog

OK FPGPers, this will be the place for our live updates from Vegas... I can post them in the comment section using my blackberry.

The weather situation ended up changing some plans... Jeff is enroute to Vegas now, escaping before Ernesto reached him. Gotta love Jeff. Tropical storm approaching his coastal residence, and he takes off a day early to go to Vegas... leaving wife and children behind. As he said "we have flood insurance." Attaboy Jeff. I can't wait to go to Vegas for your second bachelor party.


New Texan said...

At the turn I am 1 up on Jeff. Excal and I are 2 down to Jeff and Tev. Excal has a birdie in his hand already!

New Texan said...

Well Jeff and Tev won our match 1 up despite 2 par 5 birds from excal and a couple more from me. Jeff is 3 up in our match. There was 1 tap in birdie by me.

New Texan said...

Well the round turned ugly yesterday even though excal made two birds.
For the day score one set of rolled up aces and one tap in birdie. Sadly zero lapdances.

JS said...

New Tex and Excalibur - Thanks for dinner on Friday and Sunday.

New Tex, you can hold on to Da Cup until I visit in November for your wedding. If you want to ship it to me prior, that's fine too.

New Texan said...

Ahhhhh Shades... while you can certainly brag on the "winning" of the dinner, don't brag on "collecting." Last I checked, you dumped more to me at the poker table on Friday night than your meals cost, so in essence you still bought your own dinner.

As for Da Cup... let's make it 2 out of 3... one final match to the death, wedding weekend.

As for the tallies on the weekend...

There were 5 birdies overall... 3 by me, 2 by Excal. Only 1 was of the "tap in" variety. I had rolled up aces full one time at The Wynn on Saturday. Lapdances... well, I can't count that high, so they win.

My favorite parts of the weekend, in no particular order.

1. learning that Shades and his brother in law trusted a stranger at a sports book to go place a $240 wager for them... only to learn that the guy was just taking their money and not coming back. Good stuff.

2. the bluff i ran on a guy in a wheelchair who was in town for the MD telethon. I treat everyone equally at the poker table.

3. seeing Excal make TWO birdies on par 5s. I seriously believe i have never seen him make ONE birdie on a par 5 EVER, as they are usually 4 shot holes for him anyway. Immmmmmmpressive.

4. my hitting a 380 yard drive on a 505 yard par five... and then hitting sand wedge 20 yards over the frigging green into a bunker. Yeah, that high altitude desert air really makes the ball carry... grrr.

5. still trying to figure out how excal and i could lose two separate matches despite the shades and tev never making a birdie, and both going through shank fits. We may need a recount on those cards.

6. the glorious, glorious mammories. (not Excal's, although if you like hairy chests... you should room with him some time).

7. excal showing restraint and not bringing out can of fart spray at the titty bar. Way to show some maturity big guy.

New Texan said...

no fake redneck teeth? uh, yeah, you had them, and I saw them.

Upset special of the weekend: Sunday night, excal orders a WHITE WINE at the ESPN Sports Zone. It took 20+ minutes for him to be served... we guessed they had to run down the street to buy a box of wine, just for our former commish.

Excal's logic: "I've drank 40 beers in the past 2 days..." Apparently, a soda or water was not an option.

bocabandit said...

It never is for a pro.

JS said...

New Tex LIMPS in with J5. I am the small blind so I pay the buck to see what the flop is for $1. Flop is J6J. Everyone checks I believe, then A on the turn. I go all in. So does New Tex. I have J2. River is a junk card. So he won about $60 from me. Dinner on Friday was about $45 for me. Dinner on Sun was about $30. So I still came out ahead. Then the $240 to the stranger. Yes that was true. Tev and I were LIT. Drinking all day. But the guy, prior to taking the money and running, placed an earlier bet for us. We gave him $110. He placed a few Exacta bets. One hit and paid $390. So in the end, even after the "theft", we were up. I then hit another Exacta after that for $350 giving me a net positive of about $300 for the weekend.

New Texan said...

ha... that is why your poker skills are not as sharp as your golf skills... you have poor hand memory.

In the hand, YOU bet into ME... i had j5, the board was jj5, not jj6. I flopped the "nuts." I also didnt go all in on the turn... I smooth called it again, hoping to get the dude behind me to call...

When you bet the flush, i knew two things... 1. you had the case jack, and 2. you were going to lose the rest of your chips, whether it was $60 or $500.

Actually, that presents a moral dilemma... if you actually had money in front of you, would i have taken it when you bet into me? Yeah... probably.

Winning a few bucks is no excuse for being hustled by the oldest trick in the book... it is funny shit though.

not as funny as me bluffing a guy in a wheelchair... but funny.