Sunday, August 13, 2006

Houston We Have A Problem

I have to go to Houston tonite/tomorrow... won't be back in the "doing an update loop" until Tuesday, so there may not be one until after the PGA Championship.


JS said...

Busy travel for everyone I guess. My son celebrated his 7th birthday. Once again reminding me of the PGA Championship, last played at Medinah, that I missed due to his birth. My family here is all under the weather too.

Maybe the MOJO will be reay by Thursday.

No problem with the update. My team blows anyway. Sergio did you usual, get me excite on Thursday and then not show up on the weekend. Sergio is clearly OVERRATED.

SteveV said...

I'm quite fine with the delayed update. Perhaps things will change after the PGA and we can all be spared the gloating about Ian f ---ing Leggett.

Sorry you can't make the PGA 2mg03. I have a feeling JG is gonna do well :)

bocabandit said...

Since Steve V. didn't have more than 2 players out of 5 make the cut in our British Open bet, I wouldn't put too much faith in his "feeling."

How 'bout that courageous Canadian fightin' back from carpal tunnel!

We had the "Duval Effect." Now, we may have the Leggatt Neutralizer.