Friday, August 18, 2006

On Jinxing...

It struck me that perhaps MG was a bit over cautious with her "don't jinx JG" comment yesterday. Yes, he was off to a good round. Yes, you don't really say things like "no hitter" when a pitcher has one going. However, JG seems to get the opposite effect from the blog. In the early months, he struggled as we commented viciously on such struggles, and his waistline. However, when the dialogue opened up and the MOJO started to flow, JG seemed well, unjinxable. As such, I think the FPGP MOJO clearly overpowers any normal jinx we may have. As such, congratulations JG for making the cut in a major... I am sure you wished your standing was better, but a nice pair of 65s ought to take care of that. Just go get 'er done!

And yes, it has been a long week, it is Friday, I am on sleep deprivation, and I am counting the seconds until I go home. It was either this or my "Go Go Ogi" post that I was going to write, but feared the powerful jinx.


JS said...

Today I was going to write the anti-jinx blog posting. The posting was going to have an image of a $100 bill. Then I was going to talk some trash about how it was David Feherty (I believe), who during the TNT broadcast of the Thursday round, mentioned how large a neck you have and how uncomfortable you seem to be in a suit. This was apparently during a social event earlier this year at Medinah or some other venue. Then to top it off, I was going to ask why you wasted your time playing there 2 weeks ago and then again vs "Lefty" on Wed. just to shot -1 over 2 days. Hell, you have shown better a better game than Corey Pavin and Jay Haas, who are also tied at -1. As for making that money off "Lefty", given his shot making on Friday, how could you not have won $$ of him.


Now that was harsh, ut that was just to get your fire burnin'. Now in the FPGP, I do have Luke Donald and Sergi-oooh "I missed that putt" Garcia, but JG, the Shade's household is pulling for you. Just get it done!

New Texan said...

Actually, if there is a jinx, it may be when I watch. On thursday, I walked into our kitchen at work, turned on TNT, just in time to see you hook the shit out of a ball into the trees. Whoops.

Looks like there are some 65s out there to be had big guy... go grab one tomorrow!

JS said...

Well JG....go try out there today (Saturday). One bad hole, but other than that not too bad. One announcer on TNT said that you should work on shot shaping. Don't shoot the messenger. I think he just saw a bad shot and thinks that you must have a hard time going left to right all the time. Regardless, you made the cut. Sunday - HAVE FUN! That's a beautiful course, and it's a major, so enjoy it.

New Texan said...

Well, hang in there JG... here are three facts.

1. You are not the only person who comments on this blog to make an 8 on a par-5.

2. You are not the only person who comments on this blog who has hit a 9-iron OB.

3. You are the only person on this blog who has made a cut at the PGA and played in the final group of the US Open on Sunday.

See, it's all about perspective. :-)

Clearly that dumb caddy of yours gave you crap info on that lie, the yardage, or something. Time to hand him is walking papers, and let FPGP Caddy By Committee take over! We are spread all over the place... the boys can cover you on all the Florida stops, the Nelson and Colonial, and possibly in Louisianna. I am sure Jeff would be happy to drive from Charleston SC to Augusta if you make the Masters.

New Texan said...

Ah JG... hitting it right to left is easy... just come way over the top and roll your wrists at impact! Hell, everyone here can move the ball right to left or left to right... we just cant control how much or when...

JS said...

Oh well. Looks like Tiger is running away with it. We need to figure out a Tiger jinx. Maybe we should include him as an automatice pick on all teams.

SteveV said...

I've also never hit a 9-iron OB. Most OB's are not short and right of greens.

What a bunch of technical mumbo jumbo from Talonflier! I think Vic needs to focus on his "inner" game and use da Rodent's PIE approach (Plan, Image, Execute) -- see, it's simple as pie.

JS said...

I wasn't expecting, "How to have a flat swing plane 101" by Talonflier on the FPGP blog. Interesting though.

New Texan said...

Well excuuuuuuuuuuuuse me. I thought there was only one real player in this group (JG)... I had no idea that hitting a 9 iron OB was such a foreign concept to you sticks. If we ever get the FPGP Open off the ground, I guess I am going to have to get strokes from everyone. Well, I'll play Excal straight up.

I went to the range yesterday w/ my fiance, and although this will probably jinx it... I was puring the ball. Probably the best I've struck it in 2 years (of course, I've barely played... but still... it felt GOOD). Something about just slowing down, making smooth swings like I was telling her to do. Interesting game... relax and dont swing hard and the damn ball flies long and straight, with a little draw. Every time I got cocky and thought "hey, let's try to work this shot" I'd clank it... I guess the Vegas swing thought is "slow and smooth." Now, if I can pull that off w/ no sleep, 18 beers, and a group of chuckleheads with a penchance for rattling their clubs or putting the cart in reverse at the top of your swing, I may have a sluggers chance to play well.

New Texan said...

Actually, I can't ever remember hitting a 9-iron OB... at least not from a tee or fairway... in the cabbage... maybe.

One "OB" 9-iron I do remember... my assface ex father in law and I were playing a match. At the time, he was about a 8 and I was a 2. He'd normally get 3 a side, but on this day, he said "I just want to throw the ball twice." I figured that was a reasonably fair exchange because he could really only save himself 4 shots. Cool.

I win the first hole, par v. bogey.

On 2, a 150 yard downhill par 3, I tee it up w/ a 9-iron. I set, I waggle... I pull the club back and he yells "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIT!!!!" I nearly jumped out of my skin. He walks over, and you guessed it... picks up my ball and chucks it O.B., with a clever "you lie three." Such a douche. I couldnt believe that I fell for that. We barely spoke the rest of the round (I was fuming at myself) and I did beat him... but he had a story for the remainder of my marriage to his daughter, which thankfully, was not that long.