Friday, August 04, 2006

Don't Look Now...

But Tway's Twoops are crossing the cut line border, and marching up the leader board... March on boys!!


bocabandit said...

It's also appears to be a good week for "the shorts." Slu, Funk, Bryant, Browne and even Roberts
:-) all have good numbers so far.

New Texan said...

Yup... there could be a lot of backwards movement this week... it is nice to see Browne and Bryant finally PLAYING. As for your Roberts pick... bastard. It won't happen again next year.

And... what the fuck is up w/ Fred Funk? This guy couldn't find a Tour to play on 20 years ago when he was THIRTY, and now he is da man? Fuck me. This is 3 out of 4 years I've shorted that bastard, and will get boned for the third time.

New Texan said...

bandit, don't forget furyk... also a short pick. That may be the worst short pick in FPGP history, by the way.

bocabandit said...

It's almost as if Freddie found our blog and decided to screw you and Shades for shorting him! Didn't he already turn 50 recently? He's just piling it on as he whistles and smiles down the center of the fairway.

New Texan said...

I know... it really pisses me off... he should be playing on that Senior Tour now, but NOOOOOOOO... he'll just go finish 4th and in Michigan and put the final fucking nail in my coffin.

New Texan said...

You know, I didnt even know he was turning 50 this year when I picked him... I just knew he was in his late 40s and there was no way he could keep up the pace. What a dick.