Monday, August 07, 2006

JG - How are the greens at Medinah?

Some of you know JG is in Chicago getting in a few practice rounds. We at FPGP Headquarters hope that it will play huge dividends when the time comes.


New Texan said...

Hey, JG has been adopted, but lets not go crazy... if he wins the PGA, I need a Mahan, Trahan, Tway tie for 2nd.

I have a real question for JG... do guys on tour (speak for them or yourself, doesn't matter) really get INTIMIDATED by Tiger? I just don't get that. Golf is a non-contact sport... what is there to be intimidated about? It is not like he is going to take a driver to anyone's knee caps. Hell, on the last day of most tourneys, there is only one guy who actually plays with him... so, how can you be intimidated by a guy playing golf 2 holes behind you? I never understood this concept.

New Texan said...

damnit... just say you have to go out of town for work. It won't be that much of a lie... we are a handful.

New Texan said...

7600 yards? Shit... that is L O N G. For a crap ass amateur, I always hit the ball a long way (270-290ish), but I can't imagine playing a course from that far back. The longest I ever played was about 7250 in local Am tourney in St. Louis, and it just about wore me out... it was also wet that day, but still... You big boys that carry it 315 though, it ain't nothin!

Thanks for the comment/insight on Tiger. I didn't realize you knew him that long, but I guess all you guys in that age bracket in SoCal probably knew each other. The first time I saw Tiger live was when he was on his way to winning his 2nd USGA Junior title... it was played somewhere in the Boston area. I went out there during the medal round, and followed him a bit, and even then you could feel there was something different about him. I saw him hit a shot off a tight downhill lie that made me laugh out loud and think "hmmmm... better watch for this kid's name in a couple years." Talk about your easy predictions!

Good luck this week...

New Texan said...

I've never understood the bad rap on Tiger. The dude is the best golfer in the world, he seems like a class act, family man, gives to charities. Personally, I love watching him win and dominate.

You are definitely right on about his attitude... that dude has the best mental game in the biz. A sports psychologist's wet dream.

JS said...

JG, thanks too for the update. Nice to hear about that course that I used to drive past on my way to work. Is Medinah still set up were being on the front of the greens is still the premium?

As for Tiger, I agree with New Tex. I too don't see where the bad rap came from. I guess in the USA, we like athletes, we just don't want to know how many millions they make on and off the playing field. Micheal Jordon made a ton, but it was always under the radar or in 1 small story in SI once a year.

I first saw Tiger when he won his first Western Open. The crowds were in excess of 25,000 that followed him. Lined up over the course of 3 to 4 holes. People would line up 6 or 7 dep along the fairways. It was nuts.

So JG, the question is, what did you shoot? Did you play 18 and keep score? Just wondering.