Thursday, April 05, 2007

Robbo Charges Into the Early Lead

Today's Round-Up

Robbo -289 (Scott/74*, Toms/70*, Stenson/72*, Singh/73*, Els/78, Mickelson/76)

Vodoo -296 (Donald/73*, Olazabal/74*, Singh/73*, Goosen/76*, Cabrera/77, Els/78)

Talonflier -298 (Singh/73*, Scott/74*, Howell III/75*, Mickelson/76*, Casey/79, Els/78)

Boca Bandit -301 (Singh/73*, Mickelson/76*, Ogilvy/75*, Cabrera/77*, C.Campbell/77, Els/78)

* denotes round used in score

1 comment:

bocabandit said...

He was there last year - same bat time, same bat channel - and wound up getting whacked. No worries here.

There's a lot of mouse traps at Augusta.