Sunday, April 01, 2007


Ugh... long story short, I played with Krust today out in his neck of the woods (Mansfield National). A decent, but pretty easy course that was playing way too short... I should have played the tips. Thru 15, I was +1 and seemingly in complete control. Then the 16th hole happened. A wonderful 9... A Quad. A Near Double Par. Finished with a 78 despite that atrocity.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.


JS said...

What is the definition of "way to short" in terms of the course you played with Krust?

New Texan said...

The card had it just under 6300 from the blue tees... the tips were around 6800... It was probably playing about that far as it was soaked/flooded, and there was no roll anywhere.

If I ever play there again, I'd have to play the tips... it was not a lot of fun hitting wedge all day, as most of the holes were not only shortish, but pretty straight too. On the first 3 par 5s, I had 7-iron, 5-iron, wedge, (par, birdie, birdie) in for my 2nd shots... the 4th par 5, well... that is where I made the quad.

New Texan said...

and it is way "too" short... ugh.