Jonathan Kaye had withdrawn from the Bay Hill Classic, back in Feb., with a bad hip. Not sure what it was this week, but likely he realized just making par wasn't going to be good enough with the projected cut at -2.
Steve Lowery withdrew from the John Deere Classic midway through his 1st round. As another blog put it, "You've got to give Michelle Wie credit. With six bogeys on her scorecard for round one, the Big Wiesy is still in the game. Even Steve Lowery knew when to quit." Lowery was +2 thru 12.
Then there is Mike Sposa who threw up a 78 and was DQ'd.
I'd love to report why these guys WD'd or were DQ'd, but apparently sports writers would rather focus on the female player who "took a spot away from another player" than report on the guy(s) who didn't show, didn't finish, or showed and did something stupid to get DQ'd. It's tough enough for professional players without their tour cards to get into these tournaments and compete, but there should be some sort of penalty on players for DQ's. If your hurt, that's fine, but I can't see many of these players play one week, DQ the next and then are fine the following week. JG, you had a WD this year. What are your thoughts on this. As for the FPGP, I think we need to have a penalty that hits an FPGPer when one of our picks WD's. Say -10 points per WD.
Thanks for the info. I get what your saying. I just think it happens too much and hurts the guys on the Nationwide and other mini-tours that would like to have had that spot.
Add Magee and PP (Pat Perez). Dude you were just getting some love here too.
"PP was just getting some love?"
Love = Some props, respect. Tell PP to drop a comment here. Maybe he can get some of the FPGP Mojo.
Again JG, thanks for the insight... and clearly there is no injury that a little FPGP Mojo can't handle. Nice start to this tourney too... looks like you have some momentum going.
Jeff found "double P's" blog and we've both enjoyed his candor... seems like another "good guy" like you. Frankly, this entire discussion has blown me away and made me rethink who these robotic "iron byrons" are on tour... understand that casual and even good golfers watch and think "these guys never seem to miss" and for the most part, you seem emotionless. Hearing a bit from you, reading some of PP's blog... it is like... you guys are actually... human. Weird.
Good luck this weekend... like Jeff, I am torn for rooting for my "blog friend" and hoping to cash in our stupid little pool... at this point, rooting for you seems like more fun.
p.s. "sand in the vagina" is one of the greatest phrases ever written on this blog, even if it is attributable to Cartman. I would suspect this is going to get Vic/Talonflier's imagination going in some really messed up direction... stay tuned.
Jeff, you do get penalized when a player WDs... they don't make any money, and they slip in the rankings. It would be cruel and unusual to penalize one of US for a guy WDing from a tourney... hell, it doesn't even make sense. Plus, who is going to keep track of all that. Commish says "no chance" to that rule.
Another thought... pick healthy players.
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