I have no idea why I thought of this little bag of bogeys, but his name ran across my consciousness just now... so I Googled him. And I have to say, I wish I didn't. Look at this friggin' picture! Is he a golfer or a porn star? This is going to cause me nightmares...
Not shockingly, the tytryon.com web page is a dead link. However, there is a site that follows him, which can be found
What a shame. His parents should be happy. They ruined their son's life by pushing him to go pro at such an early age. Michelle Wie's dad is no different. The only difference is that Wie is a decent LPGA player, where as Ty was an aweful PGA Tour player. How much did Callaway pay him to go pro?
shades... what i read indicates he is "set for life" which probably means a couple million.
jg... funny shit. He may be a better swordsman than golfer at this point. The Korean Tour? Really? For a prodigy?
Very well put MG... I guess there is still time... he's only in his mid-20s.
Shades, after rereading your comments, I think I have to disagree with the comparison to Michelle Wie, if we assume that her real goals are to be a professional golfer on the Ladies' Tour. The fact is, if she were to play a full time schedule on THAT tour, right now... she'd probably kick a lot of ass... even if she didn't win a lot of tourneys, I'd bet she'd finish in the Top 10 on the money list year in and year out, for a long time. Comparied to Tryon's "success" as a professional, she is already way ahead of him.
I noticed that Wie and Tryon played in the same tourney in Asia... the one where she made the cut. Tryon missed. Now THAT is a made for TV golf event I would actually watch (as opposed to that Battle at Bighorn nonsense)... Wie v. Tryon. I think I'd pay to watch it on PPV.
Hey JG, when are we going to see you on Tour again? I noticed you were not in the Milwaukee field.
Has he been to Medinah? It is beautiful. I was in the crowd during the 99 PGA and was very impressed with the layout.
Yeah, nice place to visit... not sure if I'd want to live there... cold/too many people/too expensive.
In 99, Shades and I were supposed to go to the tourney together (he lived in chicago back then). His wife decided to deliver their son a few weeks early though, so he didn't make it.
Ahh Medinah... I remember driving past it for a year and a half when I lived out in the Western burbs of Chicago before moving back to Oak Park (just minutes from the downtown Loop area). New Tex and I did get to play just before my wife gave birth to my first. I could have gone to see the Sunday match up, but that would have been pushing it and I already had gotten away with golfing while she was in labor.
"I could have gone to see the Sunday match up, but that would have been pushing it and I already had gotten away with golfing while she was in labor."
Ok, let's set the record straight... Jeff didn't just GOLF while she was in labor... he told her to throw some steaks on the grill!!! My lightening strike me down if I am lying...
We were on the course, playing for our usual "trophy" and Jeff didn't want to leave. In fairness, his wife had had some bouts with false labor in the previous weeks, so when she called and we were making the turn, there was not a huge alarm in his mind. When she called back on 16 or 17, he basically gave her the "we'll be home in about an hour... toss some steaks on the grill." Uh, yikes.
When we got back to their house, she looked pretty uncomfortable... I was eating my food, and she was doing that breathing thing that women in labor do. THIS WAS SURREAL. Jeff finally gave in and took her to the hospital.
That was Thursday night... I went to the PGA on Friday and Sunday and then Jeff pulls me aside on Sunday afternoon... I was going to drive back down to St. Louis (where i was living) right after Tiger won, but i wanted to stop in and visit with the new baby. He says something to the effect of "I think i can play tomorrow... can you stay another day?" So, Jeff played golf in the hours before the birth of his first child, and in the hours immediately after the birth as well.
What is more amazing is that he absolutely kicked my ass on that Monday, and reclaimed our trophy. I was more rattled by him having a kid than he was, and he was in the frigging zone. I actually played so bad that day, I considered quitting the game.
No sister... she does have a brother who likes to golf and spend a lot of money though.
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