ya just gotta love the guy... read below...
i know not everyone in the pool checks in religiously, but take a look down a few posts and see... tuns out Jason has a great sense of humor and doesn't mind when a bunch of hacks make fun of him... kinda seems like the kind of guy you could hang out with, maybe have a beer or two, a hotdog or two, and lose a few bucks to along the line but smile all along.
Congrats Jason... you just increased your fan base by about 5 people... :-) Keep checking in... we want your (or your wife's) picks for next year's pool.
yeah, not at all for the faint of heart... the funny thing is that we dig at each other just as much, and we don't even really know each other. The only people I know personally are Tiger Philp, Jumpin Jeff and Stan the Man. I've been calling Rob "da rodent" for years and I wouldn't recognize him if he walked in the door.
Excellent! If my homey J.J. can close the deal tomorrow on his return to his native state for his overdue first tour victory, you will hear Da Rodent peeping with pain as his lead starts to vanish.
Did Rob and Jeff go to the same math classes? I love the false bravado of offering 2:1 odds on that bet, when the realistic odds are probably more like 4:1.
How about an over/under for Henry's score tomorrow? I put it at 69.
Damn shame that I was out of pocket yesterday.Some very talented kids in Connecticut started on their high school basketball team and played on the golf team. Some less talented too. His 76-0-2 high school match record is legendary. Ditto what must have been my 2-6-7.
Did Rob and Jeff go to the same math classes? I love the false bravado of offering 2:1 odds on that bet, when the realistic odds are probably more like 4:1.
- I don't know about Rob, but why offer 4:1, when 2:1 is the limit of what I'd like to offer. It has nothing to do with fair odds to you, but more to fair odds to me in order of taking a wager. I'd have offered more if I was more assured of the Englishman's fate. Regardless, Kenneth Ferrie (how do you get fat off of aweful English food), won't be playing around here that much, if at all. I guess, we will see him in Augusta in April. 15 bogey's there won't help him finish in the top 10 there. Anyone want 3:1 he doesn't make the cut?
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