Well, DJ is doing it to me again. This guy runs from cut lines like Jeff runs from a real day's work. Unbelievable. I thought players scored BETTER in the morning, when the greens are soft and not spiked up...
There must be a big IPTAY event this weekend that he can't miss. If I ever pick another Clemson player again, feel free to remove me of my duties as commish/accountant... I have clearly lost my fucking mind.
No running from work. Would have to have a job to run from first. I guess being Mr. Mom and trading stocks is a job, but not a "real job".
I told you DJ sucks. I guess it was after the fact. He's not even deserving of the Nationwide tour. Poor DJ, this isn't the ACC.
Any job that allows you to go to the beach, golf course and drive-thru for lunch on a daily basis and with impunity... well, it's a part-time job! Of course, Da Bandit and I don't think that Robbo and Stevie V. have real jobs either, but that is another story.
yeah, yeah... and I told you Justin Rose is a hair-lip, and Sergio is over-rated. Remember when Sergio had aspirations of being the leading money winner on both the US and European Tours? that is laughable now. The little fuck hits one miracle shot at Medinah at 19, and everyone thinks he's the next coming... hell, he doesn't even fit the "best player to not win a major" category. You are a Greg Owen insight away from being out of contention, in the bowels with Frazier.
Was it the US Open at Bethpage where he started doing the 832 hand-jerks before each shot? I get a sense of vertigo just thinking about that. I think it was in NY, because I remember the classy fans heckling him. JG, we only heckle on line, not in the galleries...
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