Piling on (pun intended) to JG's Memorial memory, I propose a new feature...BEST PRACTICAL JOKES survey. In JG's case I believe that hole turds are covered in Rule 25c, ball lost in an abnormal ground condition or perhaps you could get relief (apparently someone did) from a loaf made by a burrowing animal exception. We had a similar incident at a special ops exercise at an old RAF base. Jammed up in circa-1940 dorms for three weeks, flying every freakin day, and oh God, the unending rain/fog finally drove someone to transform their normal persona into the the "mad shitter" at night. Night after night fecal masterpieces would show up in the most inconvenient places, bathroom sinks, planning tables, etc... And like serial killers, the donations would escalate to riskier and riskier targets to enhance the self-satisfaction of "the mad shitter." Next came the ops officer's desk which initiated THE MAN coming down with down the heat. Undeterred by curfews, posted sentries, and threat of punishment...the "mad shitter (MS)" went on a bio-rampage. MS must have upped the fiber or began a Mansonesque-cult because the production was at superhuman levels. The CO actually tried to have the specimens analyzed for content to try and match diet patterns to the offender. Clues and demands began to appear on these fecal flounders which threatened continued and more personal attacks if drinking privileges (it was a dry exercise) were not restored and a down day provided (no flying). Morale was at an all time high, though no none ventured out to the latrine at night in fear of tripping on MS handiwork or being accused of the art. Long story short, they gave into the pie-making terrorist and drinking was restored. Full amnesty was offered at endex if he would unveil himself and...the "mad shitter" was in fact not a he, but a she. MS was a female crew chief (maintenance) on MH53s (AFSOC helicopter) who, because of our male chauvinist proclivities moved about us--- crapping at will---without even being considered a suspect. She immediately had a dozen date proposals and was elevated to the title of exercise MVP (yes, most valuable pooper). I am sure your wives will appreciate how our piggish ways left us vulnerable to manipulation and defeat.
Two shit stories in one blog? We are really exploring the space now baby!
Vic... you didn't happen to attend the Memorial this year did you? Also, I caught something in an early comment of yours that I missed the first time around... did you play the mini-tours in FL? If so, my moniker of "assumed best player in the FPGP" is clearly in jeapordy.
JG... did you make the putt/chip?
If we had known that JG and ManBreasts were playing in the same group at the Memorial, we might have run out of server space on blogger with all the commentaries.
Unfortunately, none of my practical joke experience has involved human excrement so I fear I cannot contribute to this thread. How about "most heartbreaking golf experience?" Surely, there can be some lively chatter between the Florida group and the former commish on 3 putting for 98 and owing a beer to one another. I can offer two (condensed):
1. In the 2001 PubLinks qualifier in St. Louis, making a triple bogey on the 12th hole when I was cruising at even par and looked to be in good shape to make it into the next day and compete for a spot... had buried a ball in a fairway bunker after a poor decision to try to cut a corner, then couldn't get it out. Totally rattled me. Ended up shooting 76 and missing the cut.
2. My entire "experience" at the 2002 US Open local qualifyer. I had somehow convinced myself that my scratch handicap at a not tough course was good enough to let me tee it up, and the USGA agreed. Never felt so outclassed in my life, I made the turn in 43 and walked off. Destroyed my confidence for a year.
oh, and 3...
Losing to Tiger Philp for the one and only time ever when we played in frigid conditions in Myrtle Beach. I think I gave him about 43 shots a side, then made the mistake of pressing 3x to try to even up. Lesson: don't press a Canuck in arctic conditions. It is like getting in an ice-fishing contest with a fucking eskimo. He won the bet and all the presses... at dinner, he tells the waitress "I dont need a menu, I just want the most expensive entee you have... and a bottle of Dom." I ended up nixing the Dom (afteral, i was on a graduate stipend), but the the Mike Weir wannabe (Tiger Philp is a lefty from Canada) did his damage.
Yeah Vic, that Publinks thing really stung... I was playing my best golf of my life at that point, and felt that the Publinks was my one really good shot to make a USGA event... totally blew it. I had told my caddy (a friend) "don't let me hit my 3 wood today... tackle me if i pull it... I just can't hit the damn thing right now"... Well, I pulled it trying to cut a corner off the tee, when an iron to the top of a hill and a wedge to the green would have been a gimmme par, and just buried myself. When we were walking off the tee he says to me "why the hell did you hit 3 wood there?" It was the beginning of the end.
My boy Hunter Mahan was playing in the group behind me... he shot 68 that day, despite having to wait a month and a half on that tee box as we searched for my ball for nearly the full time alotment, before finding it buried almost beyond recognition.
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