Sorry MG but apparently your man now has a cult following that has manifested itself in the formation of an all-girl, Detroit-based band. Motivated by the stellar play of Jason Gore last year, the girls sought to combine the musical genres of Motown and Garage Rock to create a sound in the mold of Gore's golf game.. gritty, homegrown, and at times out of bounds. Amy, Marlene, and Mayuko merge the long driving back beat with the flitty lyrics of a lob shot round after round with few bogeys. Their hits include, Oscar Brown, EZGoes It, Meet Me in the Lumber Yard Danny, and Immovable Obstruction Leads to Combustion. Their sensory shocking on stage perfomance is coming to a venue near you with their latest releases, Elbow Blues, Just Say No to the Ho-Ho, Back on Track, and Fantasy Losers.
I don't even know what to say... I am actualy more shocked that this post was not made by the part-time "ticket broker" Jeff.
Hmmmmmm... well, as the only idiot who picked Trashcan, I can just say that I hope the FPGP Mojo rubs off on him like it did duval.
What's the deal with the early tee times for this event? ABC was showing the WNBA after the PGA today... please tell me this is not some kind of goofy cross-marketing thing, hatched because they hoped Wie would make the cut?... Or is it just because it is sweltering hot?
I will accept no JG v. Trashcan wagers gentleman.
JG, what are the thoughts going into a fourth round in your position? That is, you seem to be playing well, and you are near the top of the board, but Senden is still 6 shots ahead... it's probably unlikely that he's going to come back to the field, but I guess he could. Do you think "let's go low, shoot 62 and win this thing?" or is it more "keep playing solid and move up the leaderboard as much as you can?" Or maybe "how the hell is Dan Forsman in my group? Isn't he on the Senior Tour?"
Oh, onelast thing... if you want to get in Forsman's head, tell him how old you were in 1985 when he won this event (the former Quad Cities Open). A good time to do that would be after you outdrive him about 100 yards.
I didn't read his comments... did he say something about the Wie Sideshow that he had to endure? I hope he doesnt sound whiney, because the third dude in that group, Hyundai or whatever his name is, had a good 36 (well, 27) holes with Wie.
If this dude is your friend, sorry for this one, but... that is pretty weak. You will find no bigger "anti-wie" peson on this blog than me, but still... his other playing partner seemed to handle the sideshow just fine, so his comments just sound like a struggling guy who is venting/whining.
That said, he is still probably right to some degree... she does seem to create a circus atmosphere. Hopefully, sponsors will get the message now, and they will stop giving these spots to her... she needs to concentrate on being a winning LPGPA player before she worries about making a cut on the men's tour.
Just my two cents.
I didn't know about the penalties, nor did I know they fell that far behind. Interesting stuff...
I thought the most bizarre thing that was said by her was on Thursday, when she said she "played well but had a lot of penalty shots." Huh? That sounds like something a 10 handicapper would say, not a professional (man or woman). Maybe it is her age/maturity... I just wish she'd go be the best woman golfer on the planet and be happy about that. Since when is that a bad thing?
Thanks for "chatting" today... I have some things to tick off the "Honey Do" list... my fiance' is not as compelled by the "chatting w/ a guy on Tour" excuse as I had hoped.
Hit 'em well tomorrow... and give a little Mojo to my boy. He sure needs it.
Good lord, JG, kick Trashcan's butt on Sunday. As a Univ. of South Carolina alum., I can't have him do well. Neither can I have New Tex get bragging rights on him.
ego hemotoma? love it vic, love it.
I was just getting ready to check the scores from the Deere, and it occured to me... there is NO WAY, NO WAY AT ALL, that JG didn't step up to the first tee, reach over to shake Trashcan's hand and giggle a little to himself over the "Trashcan" nickname. He'd be less than human... automaton if you will, and he clearly doesn't seem that way.
As for shanking Forsman's hand, I hope he didn't hurt the old guy.
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