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Hey JG! Time to Roid and Wrap Up
Time to offer some sarcastic, unsolicited advice to our gracious, girthy guest of the greens (alliteration boys). The reason for steroids prevelance is simply because it works. The best healing accelerant in the universe for a damaged body. Don't sweat the bitch tit, the organ damage, the shrinking grapes, rapid mood swings, cancer risks, acne, or other minor inconveniences--they are either temporary or fatal. Hell, opportunity only knocks once. I'd be on the juice before you could say BALCO if I had the talent to win a PGA event. I just analyzed my likely points total and I need you back on track. So what do you say JG, take one for my FPGP team...or actually take about three shots daily in a major muscle group.
I'm willing to risk it. Motrin and a carpal tunnel brace won't cut it here, time is of the essence. At a minimum consider HGH and andro, it only stings for a minute or two. Be a pro and ask yourself just one question...cream or clear?
I wonder if we can get Barry Bonds to comment on our blog?...
Don't listen to 'em JG... and I am not just saying this because I didn't take you on my squad... you don't need the shrunken grapes or concomittant rage... although... now that I think about it, it would make PGA Tour telecasts a lot more interesting if the players were roided up, tearing off their golf shirts and what not after a bad shot. All we need to do is replace Finchem with Jim McMahan.
Let's just keep this idea away from the LPGA... {trembling}. I made the mistake of turning the channel to the women's open yesterday, and I thought i was watching a closeup of a golf ball near a tree trunk... when the camera panned back, i realized the tree trunk was actually Pattie Hurst's cankles. Let me tell ya, that is not a pretty sight on a 50 inch TV.
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