The wager... $10 for lowest 36 hole score. Currently, the bet is between Stevie T. and Stevie V., but I will be happy to take that action from anyone.
We really should have an "FPGP Penalty" rule here, where anyone who has a player that is beaten by Michelle Wie is penalized an additional 10 points or something. Personally, I have grown very tired of this fucking side-show. This "woman" has never beaten anyone in any significant event, other than the Women's Publinks, which she won at 13. What has she done since then? Sure, she is talented... but she has shown a remarkable lack of heart... Given the way she putts (particularly late) I bet Jeff's boyfriend Sergio would love to have her on the regular tour so he could move up an ordinal position in the rankings. Meanwhile, there is a male player who is deserving of a spot who will be the first alternate not to make the field. What an injustice.
I would love to hear JG's perspective on this, but clearly he should not comment on the blog on this controversial issue.
Jeff is taking Wie also...
Wie vs Trashcan Trahan. This should be fun.
As for Wie taking a spot from someone else - don't get mad at Wie. It's the sponsors who got her in this event. The PGA Tour has nothing in it's rules of it being male only. This is not so with the LPGA, which does clearly state that the player must be female. Don't like Wie in PGA Tour events, go after the sponsor, not the player. This is no different then when a Nationwide Tour player gets in because his sponsor pulls some strings to get them in. Then that Alternate player gets screwed. No difference. Get rid of sponsor exemptions and guess what, Wie vs Trashcan Trahan doesn't happen.
To add more:
Who wouldn't take a chance to play on the PGA tour and have the possible $$ benenfit (sponsors, winnings if cut is made, etc...) if given the opportunity. Just call Wie a capitalist. Your not becoming a liberal socialist now are you?
Actually, I am right with you... I don't mean to Michelle Wie bash... (other than to say she is over rated) it really is the sponsor's issue.
As part of my stance against this nonsense, I am not going to buy any John Deere equipment for the remainder of the year!
I'll put a blog poll later this week re: the Deere Classic, but doesn't this field look like the Greater Hartford Open of 2 weeks ago, or whatever they call it now?
I think the top guys are all heading over to GB to get ready for the Open.
MG, going with the Trashcan... nice.
You guys want to double up on the action and take MG on also? It will give you a whopping $20 worth of exposure.
Notice that MG refers to him as "trashcan"... she defended Baddss and his wife, she has come to the aid of her hubby, said nice things about other players... but goes "trashcan" on DJ.
MG, you and I are going to have have a conference call before next year's picks.
MG, your on. $10.
New Tex we need a spreadsheet. You throw one together and I'll make it look nice and post to the blog on Thurs. AM.
Let's us PayPal for payment if that's cool with everyone else.
I'll keep track of any side wagering on the FPGP spreadsheet, don't worry. I am also holding the money from the FPGP, so don't worry about paying up right away... we'll settle all debts at the end of the year, and use credits for next year's pool when needed. Currently, the former commish/namesake of the pool/Tiger Philp/Excalibur owes me a Hundo from our Master's side bet.
Capt. John Morgan. I'll drink a Capt. & Coke for him. Maybe he'll play with, also funny sometimes funny hair and interesting clothes, Richard "Dick" Johnson. Johnson hasn't hurt me in the FPGP, but I'd like to see him make more cuts. Then I can blast him for not finishing better.
What do you think about this Wie nonsense MG? Or is that too taboo? I'd love to know what JG thinks, but again, respect any concern he'd have about saying something in "public" about it... when VJ did a couple years ago (regarding Annika) he was scolded pretty bad for it... even though he was dead on correct.
Fair enough...
Good pairing... is that really true?
So, I take it you don't travel to all the tour stops with JG? Or is Moline to wild and crazy for ya?
Way to go Jeff!!! How does this work anyway?. We now have 2 bets for Trashcan and 2 for Wie, Do Jeff and I have Wie against 2mg03? By the way, 2mg03, may I impress upon you the wonderful benefits of home life -- Think of all the money you'll make!!! And I can maybe win the FPGP pool again. The money for winning isn't much (especially given the Ken Lay-like accounting methods/administrative costs), but it gives you bragging rights for a while.
I'll gladly take Wie's poor putting over Trashcan Trahan's. In the end, that's what will make the difference.
Stevie v... that is correct... you have Wie over Trahan x2... once w/ me, once with mg. Same for you Jeff.
Trahan, currently even... Wie, currently en route to an 80+ round.
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