Let me offer my belated mea culpa to JG. I would have done so last night but I followed the advice of da Rodent (a clinical psychologist with a supposed specialization in the area of addictions) by refilling my wine glass before it was empty to avoid drinking too much. This “system” doesn’t work!
Yes, I’m guilty of being the author of a few barbs on this blog (sic). After reading the recent posts, I’m reminded of Jack Nicholson’s “Don’t I feel like the f ---- ing asshole!” and Bogart’s “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, …“
I sure as hell hope that Bart Bryant doesn’t read this site!
JG (and MG), thanks for being such good sports and good luck the rest of the season. Since you’re one of my picks I have a selfish interest in your welfare, but I mean it!!!
I have to agree with Vic(Talonflier) on this one... no relgious symbolism on this blog!
And yes, the pig comment was remarkably stupid... keep in mind though, I did it when I still thought it was a single prankster... I figured if it was the real Gs (which was unlikely) there would be a big reaction... it actually was one of the first clues I had that "oh shit, this is him!!!" Again, sorry...
JG... you need to recruit people for our pool! It is usually 10 guys or so, but we'd like to make it bigger... tell your buddies about it... if they don't pick you, it would make for interesting conversations on the golf course.
BTW, it is really weird that of all people, you'd read this coupled with the fact that you know Fred Funk well. "Stan the Man" (who never posts) is a colleague of mine who knew and played with Fred at U. Maryland... if you talk to him, tell him the crazy ex-marine says hi. He'll know who "Stan" is...
Moved here, since it was more a comment on the originating blog.
Wow, an atheist (really!), and member of the ACLU and People for the American Way (seperation of Church and State folks) gets blasted for posting a confession picture! I guess my decision to pull my earlier pic of Father "lap taffy" O'Brien banging young Billy, the new alter boy, was a good oneI Let's be careful not to ban too much stuff on the blog or it'll stop being fun. - SteveV
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