Saturday, July 07, 2007

Final Stretch?

ESPN's Jason Sobel says the "PGA Tour hitting its final stretch"

Call it the stretch run, the last phase or the final countdown. No matter how you refer to the remainder of the PGA Tour's regular season schedule, it's apparent that there isn't much of it still remaining. MORE

Was it over when Perks missed his latest cut? Was it over for others when JG finished T2 at the Buick? Was it over when David Duval disappeared off the tour again? Well,... yes? I'll let you be the judge. It's July and I'm looking forward to FPGP 2008: Chinese Year Of The Brown Earth Rat.

1 comment:

SteveV said...

That might be just what da rat bastard (Robbo, Rodent, Buzz ,,,) needs to get back into the $$$. But my fortune cookie 4 months ago said I was on the verge of making a load of money. Up until now, niente, zilch, niets.

Perhaps the cookie was referring to the return of Mary Kaye! Don't think it's gonna happen.