Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Can You Guess Who's Playing With JG Tomorrow?

Here's a hint:


JS said...

AHHHH, the ol' Gore v Trashcan match. Any side wagers? $5 I'll take whoever you don't want. No offense JG, but just looking for some added FPGP fun.

New Texan said...

The FPGP would be a lot more fun for you if you'd stop putting together Perks/Kuehne/Gutchek/Couch foresomes...

I actually think that Trashcan and JG are both going to do well this week, so I don't want any action. JG is ready to kick ass, and for some reason this course seems to suit Capt IPTAY.

JS said...

The Perks/Kuehne/Gutchek/Couch foresomes only look bad because they suck. Had any of them made a few cuts, it would be a whole new story. But thanks for the salt to put in my FPGP wound.

New Texan said...

You basically just said "my picks suck because they suck."... that's classic!

Don't worry... you can still sneak into the money if a couple of those turds break into the top 50 on the money list.

JS said...

Wouldn't my picks be great if the players I picked didn't suck. I'm not saying it was good to have picked them. I'm only suggesting that having picked them, wouldn't they be great picks if they didn't suck.