Sunday, July 22, 2007

Excal Wins By Slim Margin!

Excal triumphs over New Tex!

New Tex's squad earned a total of $493,731. Excal's team had $490,763 without Fasthhhhhhh, who's earning I can't get... but I know he made more than $3,000.

Well done Excal...

That puts you down $50 for the season, with a chance to get it square in August.


SteveV said...

Rumor has it that Excal and Robbo played a match a few days ago. Did Excal continue his winning streak or did "Buzz" capture the crown?

Anonymous said...

Finally!!! Justice!!!!

....and look what happens when, for the first time, I don't pick Harrington in the BO!!

Anonymous said...

oh, that was one for the ages Vodo. Just ask ol' rob what happened on the 17th green at Linrick. I'd make a post if I could figure out how to do it!!

And while you're at it, ask him why he didn't take Harrington in his side bets!

SteveV said...

My week will be off to a good start given that it'll begin by asking Robbo how he f --- ed up again.

New Texan said...

Linrick? You guys actually played that dump??? With all the nice courses in Columbia, you guys go to the one goat farm...

Congrats on your British win... i can honestly say that i never had sergio or harrington on my "board"... I am just surprised that Furyk didn't do more on the weekend.

Anonymous said...

Linrick was Rob's ol' stompin ground when he was a grad student. And once again, he got stomped.

New Texan said...

Well, I played there too... because I couldn't afford to play anywhere else! I know they don't pay much to Florida edumicators... but damn.

SteveV said...

Did Robbo have a coupon for the round? He's got a collection of 'em for courses here.

bocabandit said...

Thank heavens Da Rodent didn’t take Harrington. I blame him for screwing up Allenby in the BO. I don’t take kindly to a jinx picking players from my FPGP team for sidebets.

SteveV said...

I'm offering Robbo $10.00 to select 6 of your 7 long picks for our PGA side bet. I'm convinced he'lll take it. After all, 10 bucks is 10 bucks.

JS said...

Ahhh, "the rick". Great course. That's one of those courses that if sold to a firm that would dump some money into, could be a real nice course. I miss the days of paying, what was it, $8 to play 18. Gotta miss the good ol'days of living in Cola.

New Texan said...

BTW, i can always tell when Excal has played Robbo... I get the same "hey how do i make a post on the blog?" email...

I remember Linrick as having some nice holes (3, 9, 10, 15) and some really tragic ones... both par 5s on the back 9 are dumb and there are some other holes that are just "throw aways." Someone could go in there and polish the turd a bit... but it is still going to be a turd.