Wednesday, February 22, 2006

We're In The Wrong Line of Work

Everyone could have done as well as Stephen Ames did today, and picked up the fat paycheck for just showing up. Isn't there an unwritten rule that if you lose 9-8, the only honorable recourse is to commit harikari (or, alternatively, to take the money & drink like Harry Carry). The FPGPers with that bum on their team should feel proud that he earned some cash, but I'd be concerned about the stiff down the road to nowhere.


New Texan said...

No shit... I was thinking "I probably could have made it 8 and 7 or something like that..." What an ass beating.

I have 3 guys in the match play (Goose, Singh, DiMarco) and they are all on the same friggin' side of the brackets.

Stan's "limeys" (he thinks anyone with a goofy accent is a limey) took it on the chin... Westwood, Casey and Clarke all got ousted. Luke Donald will lose tomorrow. He can't put two rounds together.

bocabandit said...

As we the fortunate possessors of powerful Slavic rationality know as fact, things happen in threes. Mr. Ames was DQed last week, suffered an unheard-of ass whipping this week, so what awaits him at Doral? Getting eaten alive by an alligator? Peeing in his pants while playing? Vomiting over a 4 footer to make the cut on Friday? It's gonna be big!!!

New Texan said...

Just checked the Tucson board... Tway is leading early. If he does well, I am going to scream. He was on my trade list, but I wanted to see how the Goose did this week in match play.

New Texan said...

by the way bandit, I don't think Ames is suffering from a Stevie V. jinx. Did you see the story on how he made a nasty comment about Tiger's driving game? Apparently Tiger used that as "lock room material" yesterday. Good stuff. When you are Stephen Ames, probably not a good idea to give the best player in the world extra incentive to beat the crap out of you.

I also read that Ames was the loser in the previous worse thrashing (7 and 6) so it is good for Stevie V. and others that this is the only match play tourney of the year.

bocabandit said...

As I write this, it is heartwarming to see that old legendary FPGP favorite, Gabe Hjertstedt on top of the leaderboard. Could Excalibre be scheming to add Gabe to his squad again? What a trio: "Dynamite Kid" Jimmy Walker, "Tour Leader" Denney Ellis, and Hjertstedt. You really have to work hard to find an equivalent gang of 3.

New Texan said...

Isn't the real story in Tucson Jason Gore's 68? There musn't be any good all you can eat/drink buffets out that way. Look for a top 20 finish out of buttertits this week.

New Texan said...

tour star danny ellis also having a nice first round in tucson...

New Texan said...

I need a big friday from my boys... I still have 3 guys left in the match play (no other wanker in this pool does) and most of my guys look good to make the cut in Tucson. DADDY NEEDS SOME POINTS!!

New Texan said...

I was going to make this a separate blog, but fuck it...

This dude gets it to -5 yesterday, then coughs and chokes his way in on the back nine to finish -1. THIS HAPPENS EVERY FIRST ROUND. Aaaaaaaaarghhhhhhhhhhhh!

bocabandit said...

Stevie T. - How do you figure that you have 3 guys still in match play? I see Goosen and DiMarco. You must be working much too hard. No VJ on your team. Besides, VJ is too busy anchoring Excalibre's star-studded team.

New Texan said...


I honestly thought I had VJ on my team. That is weird. I guess that is why we post things publicly!

New Texan said...

Buttertits is lighting it up!