Wednesday, February 01, 2006


No more REPLY ALL emails to the group. Most people do not care about the nonsensical chatter that goes on, which is why this blog/message board was created. I can't help but think that the reason we lose so many 1 time FPGPers is because they get overloaded with all of our stupid emails, and decide it is not worth it.

Further, some of us in the real world have these cute little devices called a "blackberry." When we get email, it buzzes. In the real world, if you have a job that requires a blackberry, and your blackberry buzzes at 10 p.m., that may mean something important, so you jump out of bed to check it out. Stan the Man fell victim to this last night.

If you want an offline conversation about FPGP stuff, feel free... but just send it to the intendend targets. There is absolutely no need to send a "feets don't fail me now" email to everyone in the group. Further, there is no need to REPLY ALL to that email. If you want to bust Robbo's balls, do it on the blog or between yourselves. Each of you has been sent an invitation to join the blog so you can start your own threads, and only a few have signed up. Even without that, anyone can comment on the blog... this should be the beginning and end point of FPGP discussions and other nonsensical stuff.

I am seriously considering the 5 point "REPLY ALL" penalty... Don't make me an evil dictator.



JS said...

A 5 point penalty is too nice. Make it 20.

Additionally, I am going to look at adding a message board to the FPGP site and then we can possibly get rid of the comment sections. This would allow for everyone to see present and pass messages and we can keep a thread ongoing.

New Texan said...

I am not a big fan of the message board idea... there is no reason why people can't see and respond to all the messages now...

JS said...

I thru it up there just to see what the interest is. Let's give it a chance and see if anyone uses it. I think once you see how it keeps hot topics fresh, you will like it. If it flops, I can always take it down.

New Texan said...

Since it is not replacing the blog, that is fine... it won't work though... these are not the kind of topics peopel are going to debate over for weeks at a time... this is a quick jab group, not a marathon club.