Friday, February 03, 2006

Aaron Baddeley is an ASS CLOWN!

Just checked the leaderboard to see if any of my idiots made the cut this week... Baddeley was dancing along the line (on the good side) when I checked an hour ago. Now he is nearly at the bottom of the field. How, you ask? Because the fuckstick took a 10 ON A PAR 5. How the hell does that happen? I didn't realize I had Jr. Philp on my team.


New Texan said...


I can see my fun for this year will be maintaining the blog and posting pre-emptive strikes against myself. My team sucks.

bocabandit said...

How? Lots of excellent nightlife in the Scottsdale area.

JS said...

Gotta admit that it was a solid 74. A 74 with a 10 on the card is pretty strong.