Monday, February 04, 2008

UPDATE 2/4/08

Here is this week's update, and you can see all of the data here. There are 3 tabs at the top of this link, one that opens up when you click in that shows how the individual points are made, another that has all of our teams and "leaderboard" and one that is labelled "accounting" which is just how I keep track of the money into the pool.

422 .... Excal
409 .... Da Bandit
326 .... Stan the Man
305 .... Tev
291 .... MG
284 .... Vic
274 .... Steve T.
247 .... Shades
210 .... Stevie V.
111 .... Shize
85 .... CASWAS
62 .... DTM
-15 .... Shane/Jay
-30 .... Johnny V.
-37 .... Dave/Mark
-44 .... Robbo
-75 .... Ryan


Anonymous said...

My oh my.....Who's that atop the FPGP leaderboard? Noen other than teh "P"! Although, admittedly, it's early. Like the 4-day tourney, it is only 9 am on Thursday .

SteveV said...

Premature excitation

The Shize said...

I would like to give congrats to excal for being the leader after five events. Nice job. I also forgot to give congrats to Bandit after being the leader after four events. Sorry for the delay Bandit. Hopefully I can pull it togehter and get up around the top of the board with all the FANTASY GOLF VETS. Emphasis on VETS. :)

talonflier said...

Congrats to Shize for a solid blog entry loaded with appropriate yet biting sarcasm, but more importantly not reliant on the cheap sophomoric (you are a junior now right?) humor. What a relief to see a scribe willing to explore the e-canvas beyond male-on-male felatio. Bravo shizepeare, bravo! Also, any Canadian bashing is an immediate points getter. Growth is process...

bocabandit said...

Shize's gracious sportsmanship is much appreciated, especially coming from a Cubs Fan who excels at "fantasy and talking shit" which not surprisingly has been the protoypical Cub Fan profile for my 50 something years on this planet.

Success is a journey... maybe even for Kerry Wood.

New Texan said...

I am actually impressed with Shize's optimism... typically, Cubs fans say "wait until next year" after a month...

The Shize said...

Thanks Vic for the prop on my last blog. I had to take a second to understand what you meant by a scribe. Then I thought to my self it could be a couple of things. One, you might have been referring to me as somebody from the group of Palestinian scholars and teachers of Jewish law and tradition, active from the 5th century b.c. to the 1st century a.d. who transcribed, edited, and interpreted the bible. Then again you pobably just meant writer.

New Texan said...

Ohhhhh... someone knows how to use Google!

The Shize said...

Lets let that pot of gold (Google) be our little secret

New Texan said...

Done and done.

BTW, did you Google "Shane" to find that picture?

The Shize said...

Actually, thats my 2 year daughter.
We opened the door of the bathroom and there she was sitting on the pot reading a mag. It was Freakin funny

DaRooks said...

Enuff wiff tha multapull sillabul werdz. Pleez keap it two too sillabulz. I a darn Cubz fan an wee ain't az smart az u hi falootin filosoferz.

I would also like to congratulate "the shize" on his crap(I hope that doesn't offend anyone) talking prowess and ability to, in two or three blogs, piss off an entire league. That's definitely something that can't be taught. Keep up the good work.

SteveV said...

Don't be fooled. There are many of us on this blog that can piss of massive amounts of people with little or no effort!

DaRooks said...

I feel the love of this league coming through with vibrant glory! I'm quite certain the league would not be as entertaining without the likes of such momo's as new texan, shize, talonflier, etc. Keep up the back-handed compliments, sarcasm, and general underlying cynicism. I love it!!!

New Texan said...

BTW everyone... "da rooks" is Shane/Jay. I need to start using our blogger IDs in the updates.

Currently, the only thing entertaining about da rooks is their picks (-14... ouch), but I'm sure they'll get more lively.

DaRooks said...

We are late chargers and as THE Captain Momo put it.. "it is a marathon, not a sprint."

New Texan said...

Yes, it's a marathon... but that doesn't mean you want to pull a hammie in the first mile, while everyone else is setting a nice pace.

bocabandit said...

Just ask Robbo for whom positive number territory must be beginning to look as foreign and exotic as the Northwest Tribal Territory of Pakistan.