Friday, January 04, 2008

ROSTERS... Next Week

We have 16 teams in at the deadline. Normally, I'd pass the rosters along to Jeff so he can put them up on the sidebar, but Timmy D., aka "Bimma", seems to be MIA. I've emailed him and Bandit has tried to track him down. Given his involvment in the pool/blog last year, I can't imagine he is just bagging this thing without letting us know, so something may be up. I've made an executive decision to let him come in as late as next Wednesday. His penalty will be that if he picks any of the players that were in the Sony this week, he will not get the money they earned.

Because Bimma may still be out there and interested, I am not going to post the 16 rosters until I get word from him on his intentions, or when the late deadline passes. Unless you want to open the door to potential sniping and banditing (remember who brought Timmy into this pool last year...), do not post your picks on the blog or in the comment sections. Just hold your horses for a few days.

Oh, and for "DaRooks"... we already have a Jeff/Shades, so I don't need phone calls after every shot is hit in every tourney. For fuck's sake, this is a marathon, not a sprint. True story... Jeff IMs me yesterday to say that Stephen Ames is either struggling or hitting a hybrid off the tee, because his driving distance average was only 240 yards. Yes, Jeff was IMing stats after less than 9 holes of play.

This is going to be a long year.

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