Monday, January 07, 2008

2008 Rosters...

Timmy will not be re-joining us this year, but I'd expect him to throw some bombs from the sidelines...

Jeff has the spreadsheet and will be posting the rosters shortly.

Good luck everyone!


New Texan said...

DTM = Dart Throwing Monkey, the "random" picks.

Short picks are in red.

JS said...

Team Rosters and FPGP Weekly Data sheet (link top right) are up. I had to adjust the way the Team Rosters are due to space on the sidebar and due to distortion of the image as the image is shrunk. BTW, on the FPGP Weekly Data sheet you will notice that Calc has 20 points. That was a typo in the 2008 begin money list number for Calc. So dont get too excited over this.

22mg03 said...

Omar Uresti, eh? Wow.

New Texan said...

Yeah the calc thing is a goof... I was playing with the spreadsheet to make sure it worked and I guess I forgot to clear that off.

Uresti... I know MG. That seems like a stretch in the "he's all upside" category that Shades likes... but other/rational people took him as well, so now I am a little nervous.

JS said...

He finished top 25 on the Nationwide Tour. While it's still the Nationwide Tour, he still won once and had a total of 6 top 10 finishes. So there must be some game left in him. I'd hardly call him a stretch.