Thursday, September 28, 2006

Trashcan En Fuego! Part Deux

DJ shoots a nifty -7 today...

Come on you Clempson Puke!!!! Get it done this week and get me back in this frigging pool!!!


New Texan said...

Meanwhile, Craig Perks shoots 85. EIGHTY FIVE. So, on the first tee, if DJ says to Perks, "hey Perksy... lets make this fair... i'll give you a shot a hole out there today" and Perks says "OK"... PERKS WOULD STILL LOSE.

bocabandit said...

This tournament is a riot. If you customize the Leaderboard with players selected in the FPGP pool, it looks like some sort of bastardized Tour Championship for Also-rans. (Sorry JG, but I imagine you'd rather be playing in the UK this weekend - but good start!)

bocabandit said...

564.663.545 (44)

A phone number with the country code following it or Perks' back nine?

First one to guess correctly gets a free Giant bag of Pork Rinds from Madison, mISSISSIPPI.

New Texan said...

I dont know whether to laugh or cry... i have to be in Jackson MS for three days next week for a research project. Ugh.

JS said...

Welcome to the FPGP blog Durk. It's just a group of guys having fun. 2007 FPGP Season starts in about 3 months, so stick around. New Texan is the main organizer at this point so get with him if you want in for next year.

Don't worry about having "tough skin". Just don't brag about being a 25 handicapper that shot 78 or be a tour pro that can beat Michelle Wie and you will do fine here.

New Texan said...

hey durk... it's all good natured fun here... I dont think that any one person in the blog has met all the other guys, which makes it even more fun... nothing like calling a stranger an idiot.

New Texan said...

Nice start for JG yesterday, and he seems to have it going again early... you know if he wins this thing he is gonna give a shout out to the FPGP on national TV.

Craig Perks WDed... his friends probably needed a decent C player in a 5 man scramble charity event for the local girl's volleyball team... I guess he'll do...

GET ER DONE TODAY DJ!!! You fucking Clempson puke!!! My prediction: the douchebag shoots about 72, and worms his way back into about 12th place. YOU ARE KILLING ME DJ!!!! See the ball, hit the ball, putt the ball... it's a simple fucking game!!!

New Texan said...

Wow... a snipe from Excalibur! Listen, considering I had nearly evacuated my small intestine before the round began, was fighting both dehydration and recurring visions of implanted bossoms in my face, etc., it was a miracle that i SURVIVED that round.

As for the shots you question... yes, it was a 550 yard par 5, down hill over water... and yes, I hit it 300 off the tee... and yes, I tried to draw a 3-iron around a tree in front of me to knock it on in two, rather than just putt the ball down the hill, hit a wedge and make par... so yes, I happened to hit the first one in the water (pin high i might add) with a 3-iron... from 250... just overcooked the draw into a hook. I think I hit another one in the water "trying to see if i could pull it off" ala Tin Cup, but it didn't matter... Jeff and I had a separate wager there, and because of your incompetence in that round, we had already lost the match. Do you not remember that majestic 2 I made on that 190 yard par 3, straight downhill into a canyon? :-)

Clearly this is an easy game! I could barely stand up and was able to come **that close** to a great shot... if a drunken pervert like myself can do that, can't a former All-American from Clempson show us something? :-)

New Texan said...

Excal... you love baiting me, don't you? :-)

New Texan said...

Tough finish today JG... still, you are right in the thick of it...

Go low this weekend!

New Texan said...

dont look now, but Rocco and Duval are heading up the board... Buzz may have some rooting interests this weekend...

New Texan said...

Good one...

Ok, everyone... do me a favor and don't look at the leaderboard... Someone who's name rhymes with "VJ Shayhan" is leading at -10.

I would appreciate silence, and no jinxing for the duration.

Thank you.

bocabandit said...

Trashcan burns into the late autumn afternoon

Players wash down the day at the nightly watering hole

On 55th Place the green mountain is larger than on 25th

A suspenseful weekend as we monitor which FPGP player(s) can close the deal in Mississippi. Awwww, that was so nice of New Texan to present Da Rodent with that ray of hope. Damn shame his only player in the American Express is his short pick.

JS said...

Since I am in the money by the slimmest of margins, I would be happy to wish the former Clemson graduate, DJ TRAHAN the best of luck. I think Mike Greenberg of Mike & MIKE picked him to win. DJ also seemed to be putting very well.

Go gettem' DJ! Go gettem'!

JS said...

JG, nice 1st round and excellent comeback on the back 9 of your second round. Have a great weekend!

New Texan said...

You guys are all heart... try this one:

Autumn shines on wounded Tiger
To the front of the pack he roars

Yeah, that 3rd line is always tricky.

New Texan said...

Three holes to go, Trashcan is in a 3way tie for the lead, and craps out... no live leaderboard. There is also no television coverage...

I am not happy.

New Texan said...

well, I'll say this for Trashcan... he's showing some spunk... in the playoff has made two birdies to stay with Durant who is apparently putting at a basketball sized hoop...

On to the third playoff hole...

New Texan said...