Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Good Luck JG

Good luck with the title defense this week... go get ya another one of those goofy bird trophies!


New Texan said...


Who do we like this week... Michelle Wie or Rocco Mediate????

I don't know if I would touch this one.

bocabandit said...

The waning hopes of a few FPGPers to win some money or win outright are resting on JG's shoulders as the marathon nears the finish. Further pressure on JG to repeat.

After leaving a profanity-laced message on my voicemail Sunday about his short pick, Voodoo appearss to have faded from the aerth. I hope no harm has come to him; although, of course, it's the beginning of a new term and he might be rigorously preparing around the clock to teach those same two courses he's been doing for more than 15 years.

Rocco's an old pro if his back holds up. Wie versus Steven Bowditch might be a more interesting prop.

New Texan said...

love the comment on teaching the same course... made me laugh out loud and cry at the same time.

Indeed... JG has much FPGP pressure on him... the clock is winding down for most of us (i've hit the snooze twice already, with no luck). This FPGP may be remembered as the one with the greatest collapse ever, all of which started with a Singh for Mediate swap.

It is Mediate's back that makes it an interesting bet... I don't think she can beat him, but it is 50/50 he has to WD after thursday.

New Texan said...

JG got dissed today... Mike and Mike on ESPN Radio were broadcasting from the 84, and interviewed Chris DiMarco. DiMarco? He isn't the defending champ!

New Texan said...


If you happen to click on the 84 Lumber leaderboard link before tomorrow morning, you will see something of a rarity... Rocco's picture as the "leader" as he is the first to tee off tomorrow morning. Now, if his "feets don't fail him" he can just cruise in for a win and get Robbo back in this thing.

bocabandit said...

Yep, if that happens, and then it will be Green Bay meeting Oakland in the Super Bowl.

New Texan said...

Do they play each other this year? That might be an entertaining game... how could anyone even begin to figure a betting line on that one?

New Texan said...

Tempting bet rob, but i stick by my "wouldnt touch this one" post earlier... betting on an adolescent female to beat a crippled male has way too many unknown factors... i like the way you stick by your guy though... he's already costing you hundreds, so why not try to get back fitty?

New Texan said...

Wie made the turn in 42 this morning... another stunning performance from the phenom.

New Texan said...

Now 9 over thru 15... looks like the Phenom is not going to break 80. She is currently in last place of those still playing, although I will give her credit for not taking a WD like a bunch of the guys did.

JS said...

JG, I'm tired of her taking up spots too, but more bothered by all the guys withdrawing. 9 guys WD this week. That's either one hell of an injury bug or guys don't mind taking a spot from a Nationwide Tour player and getting out of town early after shooting a shit round on Thursday.

Sponsors could make sure she stops getting entries into PGA events by not inviting her.

BTW, good luck this weekend.

New Texan said...

JG, i've been tired of her for a long time, but this pretty much cinches it. Two weeks in a row, two dead last finishes, save for the WDs. 77-81? Seriously? I know we get a little braggy (new word) here sometimes, but i am reasonably certain that when I was a 2 i could shoot 77-81 on that track... maybe not w/ the lights and cameras on me, granted... but she is not displaying any real golf "skills" going out there and embarrasing herself like that.

the biggest bitch of it is that if she sticks to the women's game, at least for a while, she is going to be a dynamo... but performing disgracefully like this... it can't be good for her psyche... I wouldt be surprised if the last couple events put her progression as a player back... years. Seriously. She keeps getting hyped as the "woman who can do it" but she hasn't even come close.

Plus, as I've said before... making a cut is not a huge accomplishment... I mean yes, it is, in a way... but I don't see you coming back to the blog after making a cut and going "whoo hoo!!"... you and other guys on tour make a cut and think "man, i left some shots out there..." That is not a knock on you, it is just my interpretation of the game... that is, the men on tour aren't out there "competing to make a cut" for the most part... they are out there to win, and i would bet that most of the guys out there think they can... so, not only is she not competing for the same goal, in reality, she is coming up woefully short of a lesser goal.

Just play w/ the women, make millions, and enjoy life... that's what I'd want to tell her. I know this... I am more likely to tune in an LPGA tourney that she is in, than watching her play like a C player in a club scramble.

my ramble is done...

play well this weekend...

New Texan said...

Well said JG... I read some of her comments after her 77, about how she had 5 putts that looked like they were going in. Ok, so if they all did go in, you'd shoot 72, and still be in the middle of the pack... what's the point? I don't know how there is such a leap from "i can make a cut" to "i can play on the ryder cup team." I think her sponsors need to sit down w/ her and dad and tell her to stay with the women, before she damages her career and marketing image.

Outstanding job making the cut dude! What a huge accomplishment! :-)

Get er done...

and yes, if you shot 77 and talked about "how close you were to breaking par" i am fairly certain you would get your nuts busted on this blog at least...