Monday, September 18, 2006

UPDATE 9/18/06

Well, the rich got even richer this week... by way of Chaz Howell's finish at the Wooden Bird Open, Da Bandit has increased his lead over the Vodos...

406 ... Da Bandit
356 ... Stevie V.
298 ... Johnny V.
291 ... Jeff/Shades
264 ... Tiger Philp
236 ... Robbo
221 ... Vic/Talonflier
208 ... Steve T./New Tex
186 ... Stan the Man
-125 ... Fraser

By the way, not sure if Jeff will get a chance to post the specifics on the side bar, but this is interesting... currently, Robbo's trade of Singh for Mediate has COST him 71 points. Singh is +38 on the year, and Mediate is -33 since the trade. Add those 71 to his current total and he would still be in 3rd place. This is worth watching...


SteveV said...

It's a case of being out-coached, like a Tony Larussa late-season collapse. Despite my getting permission from the Martians for him to stay until November, Micheel goes off to play (and excel in Europe). Thanks a lot fella --

Although it's getting late, I still have hopes for a JG move and a surpprise for some of my other guys. Ya never know. As Coach V. (Jimmy V.) said, don't quit!!!

New Texan said...

Yeah, you still have some hope... unlike me. I've already begun my research for next year... I also need to figure out how to come up with this year's prize money... I mean, uh, I am doing research for next year.

Da Bandit is just kicking ass and taking names... he has played this pool like Tiger... hanging back early, making his move through the middle, and just crushing opponents at the end. Truly inspired performances from his team.

Continuing with this analogy, Robbo's team has performed like Sergio Garcia. Mine, like DJ Trahan.

bocabandit said...

There's still enough golf to be played for some sea changes, especially this year. Some chipmunks continue to scurry around out there (Riley, Kendall, etc) and some players capable of winning may get that elusive 1st win of 2006 (Read: JG, for example). Unlike a former leader of the FPGP in May, I'm not counting my money yet. I'm very humble about my standing and don't want to risk comparison to the 2004 Yankees - the greatest collapse in Sports History (ALL SPORTS)- should my squad tank. I do like my team's chances especially the way the cards are falling: who's playing, including the short picks. I've got 4 teeing it up at Valero, including my hottest hand who I earlier feared was infected with a case of severe Duvalitis. Plus my new found fan-favorite Bart Bryant is there to neutralize any gain Voodoo's team may make. He appears back to form, stimulating a run on sales of Bourbon in the Panhandle. And, of course, the Funkster continues to play intent on erasing any upside moves for Shades and New Texan. And then, there's Brown(i)e trying to salvage a year. My short is busy protecting the Money Title on the Champions Tour, so I doubt he'll pull a stunt to screw me like he did last year at the Southern Farm Classic.

New Texan said...

As always, well said Bandit... and I appreciate the dig at the 2004 Yankees... those kind of thoughtful insights are always welcomed here.

SteveV said...

"My short is busy protecting the Money Title on the Champions Tour, so I doubt he'll pull a stunt to screw me like he did last year at the Southern Farm Classic."

Yeah, yeah, yeah and this pick has lead to the addition of yet another FPGP rule; f -- ing urchin. Unlike da unscrupulous Bandit, others picked the likes of Bart "f -- k me" Bryant, and Freddie Funk. I can just hear d Bandit after a couple of Dewers "I played by the rules, ha, ha, hah, ya suckers!!!" Here's hoping that Lightfoot Loren plays in the Farm Bureau just to bother Boca Boy ---

Speaking of unlikely events, I saw that Rocco is in the Valero. Robbo is still hangin on to hope ---

New Texan said...

well, he did play by the rules, so that is fine... the rule will be changed though. Under my rule, uh i mean leadership, the FPGP is evolving...

i need a mahan/trahan 1-2 finish this week... and i am not even sure if they are playing. Hunter is from Texas, so i assume he is...

New Texan said...

yup, they both are... I need the box trifecta... Trahan/Tway/Mahan, with a top 10 by Rich Beem. That ought to get me back into 4th place contention.

bocabandit said...

Stevie V., are your office hours Tuesday and Thursday, 11-12? I see you were rather busy, you f-----g child as Ricky Roma would say.

New Texan said...

They are probably also "by appointment."

SteveV said...

No, I don't usually go to campus on Tuesdays. In order to continue to be a productive state employee, I stay at home and write on Tuesdays (I can hear Tuholski cringing at this one but boo f --- ing hoo). My blog entry was during a well-deserved break from the laborous grind.

New Texan said...

I just got it... bandit saw the time stamp, and that is why he made that comment... man, I am slow.

No cringing here... a little jealousy possibly. Although, in honesty, when I had that academic life and I would "stay home to write" I could never get a damn thing done. I am one of those people that needs to come into an office to work. Shit, I screw off plenty at work (as demonstrated by my blog volume)... imagine if I had the same computing power, and a 55 inch TV within grasp... I'd never get a damn thing done.

What do you have cooking? Pubs? Grants? A draft of new rules and conditions of the FPGP?

Vic what is this "baseball" thing you speak of? Don't you know it is football season, and the Patriots are 2-0? :-)

You are right... it was still part collapse though, although I think the Red Sox willed it to happen. The highlight of my sports spectator life remains now and probably forever being at Game 6, while Schilling was bleeding all over the mound. We were in the bleachers, which is to say we were as far away from the action as some of the home viewers, and couldn't see what happened on the A-Rod slap play... I sunk into my chair, thinking Arroyo had dropped the ball and THIS was that other shoe that always dropped... The Stadium was going nuts... my fiance was jumping up and down like a retard... I contemplated leaving her... then, suddenly, my cell phone buzzed... I saw it was Shades, so I picked it up... I told him I couldn't really hear him over the noise, and he is screaming "THEY ARE GOING TO OVERTURN IT!!! AROD SLAPPED THE BALL OUT OF ARROYO'S GLOVE!!!" Great moment as I started to explain the what the replay showed at home to some of the drunk Bronxians...

bocabandit said...

"I stay at home and write on Tuesdays." Is that your Haiku Hour, Vodo?

I've got one for you.

Long sizzling drive
Crisp Canadian air fills vacuum
Short player picks pocket

New Texan said...

Bandit, that comment will be nominated for "funniest blog comment of the year." You kill me.

bocabandit said...

Thanks for the compliment. But there are several of Talonflier's eclectic rants that I think take that honor. I'll settle for Best Short Piece.

The cunning of history is at work as there is a pairing of tremendous FPGP significance for Vodo. While most of the golf world turns to Ireland tomorrow, Stevie V's eyes will be on BB and The Martian in the same group at Valero. His cause of Despair and his cause of Hope dramatically linked. If only those 2 players were aware of the true existential significance of their 36 holes together in the Valley of Sin! Fated to go head-to-head like the BoSox and the Yankees in recent years.

New Texan said...

Watch out... Bob Tway, -2 thru 6. Thus, he is on an early pace to shoot -24!