Monday, January 23, 2006

UPDATE 1/23/06


New Texan said...

This is a great example of why it is silly to do these early season posts... even after duval made a cut and some money, he dropped 20 spots...

Oh well... it is good blog fodder.

New Texan said...

Oh, I continue to invoke the Gossett Rule for this post... probably for another month or so.

JS said...

It will just be nice to see guys come back down to earth over the next few weeks. Then we can use their quotes.

JS said...

Funny, Da Bandit and I were the only ones that moved UP in points this week. Steve V lost the fewest points in moving to 3rd.

New Texan said...

That is a bit of a stretch dude... it is called Regression to the Mean... when you are as shitty as you guys were the first 2 weeks, you were bound to move up... not much room to go down.

JS said...

Plenty of room to move up. I've only had 4 of my picks playing. My team isn't a one trick pony like your's and others with Duval.

New Texan said...

Again shades jumps into an argument without checking the data, not unlike is oh to hasty post on Duval not making the cut last week...

I have had as many guys play as you.

But, you do have Richard Johnson... who I hearby decree shall be referred to as Dick Dick from here on out.