Thursday, January 19, 2006

Jason Gore is Fat and He Sucks

Through 6 rounds thusfar on the PGATour, Jason Gore is a combined 35-over par. How can this be? Does he think each of these rounds is the final round of the US Open or something?

I suspected that he would be a sucker choice this year, and I think I might be right...

And yes, part of my reason for this post is to deflect attention from Duval's round... yikes.


JS said...

Gore is a great minor league golfer. But unfortunately this isn't a Nationwide tour FPGP.

New Texan said...

I just dont see the appeal of him as a pick, yet he got some love here. His starting point is relatively bad for a going up player, unless you assume he is, in bostonian, wicked fucking good. There seems to be a palpable downside considering he is a career Nationwide guy. Sure he had some success on the PGA Tour, and we all love a guy with butter tits, but come on... how can this be a good pick. My guess is that his overall "payoff" in the pool will be between plus 20 points and minus 50. That is, more downside than up.

JS said...

He had a hot streak toward the end of last year. His stock was up. But that is why you buy low and sell high.

bocabandit said...

Gentlemen, gentlemen, the main issue here is that fat, lovable Jason is just happy to be there on the tour and able to drink all the beer he can for free. Hell, he might even try to cash in on his 15 minutes of fame and change his lifestyle, i.e., hitting the clubs with Sergio and Bad Boy Baddeley and find himself a new trophy wife. Steve T may even be underestimating the downside for the lug.

What do you say, Excalibur, you anonymous prick who wished Da Bandit ill will?

SteveV said...

Jason "generously proportioned" Gore is the reason why we have the option of making a $20 trade!

Steve V

bocabandit said...

Not even February and the defending champ is already on the Road to Damascus. Excaliber will soon be joining him.

bocabandit said...

2 nice 73s in a row. Fatboy's backers could take heart. Then again, they might not. At least he's fighting it out like a man, not withdrawing like Chrissey Riley who probably threw a hissy fit after his 81.

New Texan said...

Jason Gore would be a C player on a Scramble team at his local munie.

New Texan said...

Jason Gores 4 round total of 300 begs the question... was this number of strokes closer to his weight or his cholesterol score?