Tuesday, January 17, 2006

da Bandit

Well, it looks like the FPGP's all time money winner (da Boca Bandit) is in danger of not being in the money this year. What a shame!!! Yes, his picks illustrate the unfortunate, but common, wanton hubris that afflicts those who have experienced success. Under that ruse of "loyalty" he has once again picked JJ Henry, John Senden, and Loren "lighfoot" Roberts. Loyalty, smoyality, this reeks of hubris if not outright pomposity. I say da Bandit will be lucky to escape the cellar in 2006.

Steve "crystal ball" V.


bocabandit said...

This scoreboard has as much meaning as the Miami Dolphins beating the crap out of the Broncos on opening day or the K.C. Royals winning their first game of the year. That comment is going to haunt the mean-spirited punk who made it.

New Texan said...

I agree... i wasn't going to put up a board for a few weeks, but jumpin jeff got the itch and needed another excuse to ignore his children... so he pressed forward...

these results dont' mean much until a couple months in... but for now, they are good fodder for "discussion"