Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Jumpin' Jeff and Stevie T. at Byron Nelson Classic

Jumpin Jeff and I have made plans/arrangements to attend the Byron Nelson this year. I live less than a mile from both courses, so it will be an easy trip to make during the day. Toss in the fact that the Red Sox are in town to play the Rangers, and it should make for a good weekend. I am sure that all of you wankers will be glued to your FPGP blog waiting for us to post updates on the days' events.

Be warned now, there is a good chance the world will end that weekend. Consider this:

In 1999 Jeff and I had planned to go to the PGA Championship at Medinah (the year Tiger won the event and Sergio burst onto the scene). Jeff's wife was preggers with his first child, but wasn't due for a couple weeks after the tourney. Well, she went into labor on Thursday night, and Jeff never made it to the tourney. Mind you, I still went to the Friday and Sunday rounds.

In 2001 Jeff and I planned to go to the WGC that was played at Bellerive CC in St. Louis. Jeff was planning to fly out on September 12. While the world watched planes crashing into buildings and fields, I was at the first practice round, clueless until about 2 p.m. The tourney was cancelled, and Jeff obviously did not make it out for the weekend. Toss in the fact that my ex-wife started her "we need a divorce" talks a few days later, and that my current fiance' was in the first WTC building that was hit (on the 4oth floor), and that entire timeframe is just freaky.

We have not bothered to try for the last 5 years, but with my location so close to the TPC Las Colinas and Cottonwood Valley coupled with the Sox being in town, this was too good to pass up.

We apologize in advance for armegeddon that will surely precede this event.

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