Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Duval on Pace for 59!!!

If he stops after 15 holes...


New Texan said...

Ok, so he ended up shooting 69... I guess I can't fault the dude for finishing his round.

That being said, that is pretty good for Mr. Duval. No one expects him to go out and win the masters... just be a cut making machine. My prediction: IF Duval finishes high enough to keep his card, the winner of this pool will have him. I don't see how you can win the pool w/o Duval, in that situation. Now, if he goes off into Vertigo Land for 6 months, he will be OK not to have... but, so far so good.

JS said...

+1 thru thru 5 today. -2 for the tourney.