Sunday, June 17, 2007

U.S. Open Side Bet with Excal...

I think I got Excal, but the numbers are not in yet...

Furyk finished 5 places ahead of the 'Lil Grinder, and should get a big check.
Casey finished 3 places behind Verplank.
Singh finished well ahead of Zachariah.

If the difference between Furyk/Toms is greater than Casey/Verplank (which I think it should be), that will be another fitty.

I have to say, I thought Toms was the worst pick I've seen in these side bets, but he proved me wrong... and even cost me $20 with Timmy. He'll forever be the "'Lil Grinder" to me.


Furyk earns $611,336 for finishing T2nd, which is more than the 'Lil Grinder ($248,948), Verplank ($194, 245) and Zachariah ($25,016) combined.


BostonBimma said...

Thanks NT!! I guess da Bandit has rubbed off on me. Who woulda thunk that Toms could string together 4 rounds at 73 or under?? Although the weekend rounds seemed a bit easier for those guys after they watered the hell out of the greens!!!

$20 is duly noted...I'm sure we can give you another shot at the next tourney or major!

New Texan said...

Yeah, yeah... I'll never bet against the 'Lil Grinder again. Lesson learned...