Tuesday, June 12, 2007

U.S. Open Side Bet with Excal

It's that time of year again...

Ok, here's the deal... 5 players each. No Tiger. $50 for the team that earns the most cashola. $50 bonus if the Open winner is on your team.

Excal is $50 in the hole from our Master's bet, and I get first pick... it's in the comment section.

Ok, here are the teams and the order they were drafted.

New Tex: Furyk, Singh, Donald, Casey, Mickelson

Excal: Z. Johnson, Scott, Toms, Cink, Verplank

My draft board had Furyk, Singh and Donald 1-3, and I wouldn't have picked Toms or Cink if this went 10 deep. So... I am either going to win big or feel like a complete idiot.


New Texan said...

With the first pick in the 2007 US Open draft, New Tex selects... Gregt Oden.

Wait... wrong sport.

I'll take Jim Furyk

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... Zachariah Johnson

New Texan said...


Anonymous said...

Adam Great Scott!!!

New Texan said...

Luke Donald

Anonymous said...

David Toms

New Texan said...

Paul Casey

New Texan said...

What a draft so far... I have my top 3 picks, and you've taken 2 guys I didn't have in my top 8.

I am going to feel like a true idiot if you beat me this time.

Anonymous said...

Stewart Cink Sank Sunk

New Texan said...

I can't leave him out there...

At 5th... he has to be a bargain...


New Texan said...

come on, come on... we all know you are taking PH.

Anonymous said...

Scott Verplank....Don't laugh

New Texan said...

I like the Verplank pick... if you took Mick 4th, I would have gone to Verplank.

Cink and Toms... now that is laughable.

Anonymous said...

Yea...and Paul Casey is drawing my awe

New Texan said...

Yes, well... when you handed me my top 3, I decided to take a flyer on Casey... afterall, he had the low final 54 holes at this year's masters and last year's open... a nice pick at 4, I think.

Where the hell did the Toms and Cink picks come from? 2003?

Anonymous said...

Toms and Cink are grinders. Both have the mental gmae, which is paramount in a US open.

New Texan said...

Hmmmm... then how come Toms' Open record is as follows:

1996: Cut
1997: WD
1998: DNP
1999: cut
2000: t16
2001: t66
2002: t45
2003: t5
2004: t20
2005: t15
2006: wd

Not a whole lotta success there... 1 top 10 in 11 years.

Cink is a little better, but if memory serves, he grinded a 3-putt from 15 feet to miss an Open playoff by a spot.

I am just shocked that you left The Goose and Harrington on the table.

New Texan said...

It's also interesting that Cink had his best success at the Open in the year's preceding that 3-putt...

Anonymous said...

Don't you ever work???

New Texan said...

I know... googling and copy/pasting takes hours... how do I ever find the time? I guess they'll have to dock me the 90 seconds that took.