Monday, June 11, 2007

Todd Hamilton is an Idiot

Let the whining begin with this story from

Money quote is from Todd "No really, I won the British Open" Hamilton:

Of course, all this leads to an idea Hamilton has spoken of often, that par could be abolished, leaving the player with the lowest number of strokes -- whatever that number might be -- as the champion.

"They're always worried about par being a barrier or something in everyone's site that they try to strive for," he said. "They say they don't set courses up trying to get somebody to shoot a certain score, such as par. Well, if that's the case … have no pars on the holes. When a guy finishes a hole, he's not even par, he's 4."

Guess what Todd???... the player who takes the lowest number of strokes DOES win the friggin' tournament!

Maybe if the PLAYERS would stop bitching about what "par" really is, and lack of birdies, they would realize this... the winner of the tourney is simply the one who takes the fewest strokes over 72 holes. I mean, does anyone think that Paul Lawrie feels really bad about WINNING a British Open at 6 over? Ogilvy winning the US Open at 5 over? Who gives a rat's fat ass?

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