Monday, June 11, 2007

Side Bets

With the US Open starting up in a couple days, I thought I'd make a quick post on sidebets... I know a few of you guys are doing a major by major bet... If Excal doesn't chicken out, he and I will go head to head.

These are the bets that I can remember so far:

1. Shades owes me $10 on a "Michelle Wie making the cut" wager.
2. Excal is down $50 so far in our major's bet, and I have first pick in the next one.
3. Shades is down 11-9 in our weekly PGA Tour bet, and 57,456 Fed Ex points to 31,450.
4. Robbo has a 1/2 game lead over Shades in the "Yankees vs. Blue Jays" bet... that was for $50, right?
5. Shades and I have a "Dice-K ERA over/under" bet... the o/u was set at 4.00, and I took the over... so I am currently winning that one with Dice-K's 4.52 ERA.

Anything else?

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