Monday, October 23, 2006

UPDATE 10/23/06

No real change in the standings this week...


JS said...

Looks like it will be very tough to add to point totals at this point unless someone has one of their "low-on-the-money-list" guys pull off a win.

New Texan said...

end of the season... we are now in two groups... those in the money and who don't want to jinx anything, and those out of the money and who are too bitter to speak.

Don't worry, it will pick up again right after the season, and when we put in some new rules.

You playing again, or are you done for the year?

bocabandit said...

Excellent analysis, New Texan. I almost posted some doggerel, but the superstition gods made me think better of it. A top 5 or even 10 this week for any number of players can bring about changes in the money circle. These end-of-the-year tournaments have taken on the "on any given Sunday" feel of the NFL.

Of course, Stevie V's team has resembled a scramble group without a leader recently, so I'm not losing sleep about being caught. But suppose JG59 comes out of hibernation and wins this week!

JS said...

I've already started a small list for the Shades 2007 FPGP team. JG, depending on what you do this week could decide if you will be on another FPGP team in 2007. I imagine you could face the Ernie Els or Tiger Woods rule. Not bad company. But if we all pick you, you get taken off all teams. I don't like that rule since who is to say that Ernie Els would not have been dumped in a trade this year.

JG, hit it well this week!

SteveV said...

Wow, this is exciting. There's a tie for 7th between New Texan and Talonflier at 241. I'll lay down $10 on New Tex. Any takers?

Nice to hear from you JG. Good luck this week, especially since I need the points. It'd be nice to scare da 1st place Bandit some; he's getting too comfortable on his perch.

New Texan said...

well shades, i am sure JG will use that as incentive to play well!

the rule is a good rule because whether or not someone gets traded is irrelevant... it effectively kills a pick.

I wouldn't bet on my team.

JG... if you added "nickel slots" to that description, it would sound a lot like Atlantic City.

JS said...

Don't worry JG, you will be on someone's team here. Take some time off, work on the game, and enjoy being a PGA Tour Pro. Hell, it's better than an 8 to 5 job.

Don't be a stranger to the blog. The chatter will pick up again come January. I hope New Tex and I can meet up with you and the wife next year in Dallas for the Byron Nelson. I think we still owe you dinner.

New Texan said...

Jeff u moving to Dallas? Or did u invite yourself to my casa?

JS said...

I invited myself. With you having a 4000 sq foot home, we will be lucky to run into each other.

New Texan said...

Good Point. We will give u a nice rate also.