Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Scoreboard / Season Coming To A Close

FPGPers... An error on the tally was pointed out to me by Da Bandit... he and Shades should both have another 10 points for Allenby, as I misentered some data into the spreadsheet.

This year is drawing to a close, and we have some tight races... Jeff and I have done our best to make sure we haven't made any errors, but these things do happen... it would probably be a good idea for everyone to double check their picks/scores, just to make sure we don't have any goofs that could affect the outcome. Shades... it will be important that you get the updated stuff up as soon as possible each week, so folks can check us for errors.

Well, Fraser probably doesn't have to worry. Unless I forgot to carry a few zeros, that dude is dead.
This has been a good year... the blog seems to be a success, and we even have our own PGA Tour player among us... Let's do our best to recruit some new blood for next year... if we could get 15-20 total people in the pool, the prize money is going to be SA-WEET, and the chatter should be even more interesting.

Having been exposed to the business and marketing world for the last few years, I am thinking about taking a new approach with "recruits." I want to think of this like business development... what would you guys think of this... for every new player you can pull into the pool, you get a $10 discount on next year's FPGP entry fee? So, if Shades pulls in 5 new guys, it only costs him $50 to play his own team. The $50 lost in the prize pool is more than compensated by the $500 his 5 guys bring in. Effectively, if you get 2 new guys, your trade becomes "free."

Also... no one gets to claim JG or MG for the $10 discount, although it was my creation of "ButterTits" that got them here. MG... you gonna make some picks next year? What's a hundo to a woman living the good life with a professional golfer? :-) Who better to break down the gender barrier of the FPGP than you? JG... if it doesn't cross some ethical/moral barrier, we'd love to have your picks also... We know you have an extra hundo sitting around after taking it off Michelson at the PGA... :-)... if not, send me an email and tell ME who I should pick! I need the help from the inside!!!


JS said...

Can we move the pool offshore? Antigua?

New Texan said...

we may have to... the new bullshit internet gambling law may apply here.

New Texan said...

MG... great and obscure Caddyshack reference...

We look forward to it... and just let Shades know if you need someone to loofah your stretch marks.

(if you didn't mean Mrs. Elihew as a Caddyshack reference, that last bit probably sounded out of line... and i am again a horse's ass).

New Texan said...

and yes, Mrs. Ellihew gets a $20 discount... we'll get your debtors to kick in the extra... I may need a full time accountant for this thing next year.

New Texan said...

Vegas... I already miss it... have big fun.

SteveV said...

Put me down for a 20 buck "donation" for the 2007 entry of Mrs. Ellihew; I lost a side bet to her too. (:

New Texan said...

dont worry stevie... we have it all accounted for... with interest and penalties you owe MG about 1200 bucks.

this is what happens when I start reading pleadings from Enron litigation...

bocabandit said...

Good thing 2mg03 wasn't waiting for her Andy Jackson from Robbo. That would have been like Waiting For Godot.

New Texan said...

And, there is another nominee for "most obscure reference on the fpgp blog." Jesus... I had to look it up on wikipedia...

SteveV said...

Those of us who were taught by Jesuits know the reference, and have read the book.